Ryan Neil and collected juniper

bob shimon

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Ryan spent most of the day working on this juniper that I collected about 3 and a half years ago. A couple of my firends were watching and wondered why I selected this tree for him to work on,and why Ryan would want to waste his time on it. At the end of the day, everyone was quite pleased including Ryan. I think that the long jin is going to come way down or off.


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That a very nice looking tree Bob. Ryan did a great job. Is that the style you had in mind before it was styled?

Hi Dave - The reason that I had Ryan work on this, was that I was having a hard time figuring out what to do with the tree. And when we first started, the finished front was actually going to be the back. It really helped when we stripped off the layers of old bark and exposed the trunk. The attached picture is the tree before any work was done.


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What's the secret recipe to get these collected juniper to push growth like that? I have 4 or 5 collected juniper and the foliage isn't near that full even 2-3 years after collection. Is there a particular feeding schedule? If so what type of feeding, how much, how often and when?


Secret Formula

Hi Manny - I'm afraid that there is no secret formula. It took a long time for me to figure out what works for me in my area. First of all, I live right on the coast of Northen Calif, and collected junipers don't thrive here. I normally collect from Oct into Nov til the snow keeps us out. I plant them in 2 parts dry stall (pumice) and one part vermiculite, and they go into my greenhouse under timed misters that come on twice a day for one minute. I don't do any feeding til about now, and they come out of the green house in April or May. They stay at my place til late summer or early fall when thay are taken to a friends house about one and a half hours inland. They are on a drip system, and the climate is drier and much warmer in the summer. I feed them just as I would any other tree, nothing special.
I collected 40 last fall, and all but a couple have new growth and doing well. If I lose more than one or two this year, I will be shocked.
hmmmm I may need to get some cover for the trees in the winter cause they're basically swimming in rain water from September till April here in Oregon. The thing is... Ryan Neil and Randy Knight deal with the same weather I am. Not sure what I'm doing wrong...
Hi Dave - The reason that I had Ryan work on this, was that I was having a hard time figuring out what to do with the tree. And when we first started, the finished front was actually going to be the back. It really helped when we stripped off the layers of old bark and exposed the trunk. The attached picture is the tree before any work was done.

Thanks for this before photo. You guys did a nice job!
Wow! Nice tree, Bob.
I have a feeling Ryan is going to be a very busy guy as more people see his work and want to work with him.
Wow, that's really nice work! Two thumbs up!

I believe that is a cross between a Calif and either a western or sierra juniper collected in the Susanville area, which is about an hour or so north of Reno on Hwy 395 between 4,000 and 5,000 feet. The majority of them weren't very interesting, lots of bushy ones.
congratulations bob:

the quality of your collection increases with every tree ryan works on.

best wishes, sam

I'll give it another year before repotting. I do have quite a few collected junipers, and I feel that Ryan is the person to help me reach the trees' full potential.
If you get a chance to work with him, I wouldn't pass it up. Besides being talented, he is a very nice young man. Very confident in his abilities without being arrogant. A rare combination
juniper repotted

We repotted the juniper the end of March along with a number of others. Some I have posted as works in prgress, and others I haven't posted. I'll be happy to post others if interested


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Grogerouse tree :) You guys have done wonderful work with it... But I can't help but feel that it would look even better in a round or possibly oval pot..?

I'd love to see your other collected juni's by the way :)
Great work and great tree Bob! Would love to see more photos....
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