satsuki colors


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I am looking for a place that has satsuki azaleas in different colors of blooms I have looked for a Shinnyo -No-Tsuki on the net but cant find a place to buy one if anyone knows where I can find this one I would greatly appreciate any info.
I have recently had two threads this one and ponytail babies that were gone without any replies maybe I am boring you folks to much so from now on I will just stay on the sidelines and look at photographs and read what interest me I will try not to bother you again .
LOL JimJ what you are asking is very specific.
Satsuki azaleas is a very time specific plant.
You may just need to broaden your search.
I'm not too sure if I can help very much but the bonsai nursery where I go for workshops have a lot of satsuki varieties. It's called Maruyama's Nursery. They are located in Sacramento, California. It is usually open most weekends, but varies during the week so you would need to call. I don't have thier number handy (it's 12:30 AM here and about to hit the hay) but they had a write up in (I think) the Sept/Oct Golden Statements from the Golden State Bonsai Federation web site.
Let me know if you are unable to find the info./phone number and I'll put more effort into it tommorow.
Mary B.
I am looking for a place that has satsuki azaleas in different colors of blooms I have looked for a Shinnyo -No-Tsuki on the net but cant find a place to buy one if anyone knows where I can find this one I would greatly appreciate any info.

Would help if people knew where you lived?
I have recently had two threads this one and ponytail babies that were gone without any replies maybe I am boring you folks to much so from now on I will just stay on the sidelines and look at photographs and read what interest me I will try not to bother you again .


You are taking this too personally. When people don't respond to a thread, that usually means that they don't have experience with the question, so they have no answer.

With the ponytails, those are very rarely used as bonsai, so nobody here dares to give you advice. Palm trees are almost impossible to use as bonsai material, since you cannot prune them. They mostly end up dead after a while.

With Satsukis, there are very few growers who ship them on-line. May be because they are sensitive plants and die easily when an accident in packaging occurs. The very fine roots cannot tolerate neither drying out, nor being too wet for a long time. In both cases, the shrub can easily die.

If you tell where you live, someone may know a local nursery.
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This is a little awkward, but I have to do it anyway.

I received a PM from Jimj, he told me that my previous post was very offensive.

First, I would like to thank him for using the PM system instead of doing it in public. Many of us would not have the discretion to handle it this way.

Second, I want to publicly apologise for offending him with my post. I was just trying to help, but obviously I failed miserably.

I did respond to him with PM as well, but I feel that I need to make a public apology, since we are all responsible for the words we use on a forum, and if we offend someone, must live with the consequences.


P.M: Jimj, I have a large collection of satsukis, and there is a big satsuki nursery 10 blocks' from my house (Nuccio's azalea nursery). I have about 30 different varieties, but I don't think I have the one you requested. If I did, I would be willing to part with it and send it to you. But if Nuccio's carries a Shinnyo -No-Tsuki, I would like to buy one and mail it to you - if you live in the US. If they don't carry this variety, I am sure they have something very similar - they may have over 100 different varieties of satsuki. Let me know if that is acceptable to you.
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This is a little awkward, but I have to do it anyway.

I received a PM from Jimj, he told me that my previous post was very offensive.

First, I would like to thank him for using the PM system instead of doing it in public. Many of us would not have the discretion to handle it this way.

Second, I want to publicly apologise for offending him with my post. I was just trying to help, but obviously I failed miserably.

I did respond to him with PM as well, but I feel that I need to make a public apology, since we are all responsible for the words we use on a forum, and if we offend someone, must live with the consequences.


We still do not know where he lives, which could really help him. I know of a nursery that carries them but its probably a great distance from him.
So Jimj where do you live?
Mobile, Alabama....will see if I can find invoice. Did you know there is going to be over 5000 porta potties at the Inauguration?
I have recently had two threads this one and ponytail babies that were gone without any replies maybe I am boring you folks to much so from now on I will just stay on the sidelines and look at photographs and read what interest me I will try not to bother you again .

As far as I'm concerned the post above is the only offensive post I've read here in a long time. While Attila has shown an extraordinary measure of hospitality during this Holiday season, I have no problem calling a spade a spade. I might suggest getting out a phone book and doing some research.

Feeling sorry for yourself does not find the plant. Tug on those bootstraps and get to work.

Cheers, Al
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