Spring is in the air


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Northeast Florida
Here is a current photo of one of my wisteria.

I rearranged a few of the branches and put it in a new pot this season.

I hope you enjoy.



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Man, you Florida people. It snowed here a week ago. :mad: Gorgeous tree.
Very nice and good open structure to show case its blooms. I can't wait to see what year it will be when mine finally decides to sprout. I do really enjoy having to cut off the whips that try and strangle my other trees during the summer tho :D
Ryan and Bubba,

Thanks for the positive feedback. Your input is always appreciated.


Do I sense a little bit of peninsular envy? Funny thing about envy, usually it swings both ways.

I often envy some of the trees you are able to grow in your area.

I appreciate the complement.

Very nice and good open structure to show case its blooms. I can't wait to see what year it will be when mine finally decides to sprout. I do really enjoy having to cut off the whips that try and strangle my other trees during the summer tho :D


Thanks for taking the time to comment on this wisteria.

How long have you had yours?

It took quite a while before this one bloomed for the first time.

Hi Paul,
I got my wisteria about 3 years ago in the sickling pile at the nursery. It recovered nicely and is one of my most prolific growers. It was probably about 2-3 years old from the nursery, so I would say its about 6 or 7 years old now. I would like to see what color and length the flowers will be as there was no tag on it. I would prefer long purple blooms like the one you have. Do you know if it is Chinese, Japanese, or American? What is the current age of yours if I may ask? I would also like to obtain about the same trunk diameter of yours before putting it into a bonsai pot.
Hi Paul,
I got my wisteria about 3 years ago in the sickling pile at the nursery. It recovered nicely and is one of my most prolific growers. It was probably about 2-3 years old from the nursery, so I would say its about 6 or 7 years old now. I would like to see what color and length the flowers will be as there was no tag on it. I would prefer long purple blooms like the one you have. Do you know if it is Chinese, Japanese, or American? What is the current age of yours if I may ask? I would also like to obtain about the same trunk diameter of yours before putting it into a bonsai pot.


This wisteria was collected in 1988 from the bank of a stream not far from my house. The vine had grown 80 feet up into the canopy of the surrounding trees.

For reference purposes, the pot measures 18" across. The base of the trunk is approx. 5 1/2" in diameter.

At this point, I am pretty sure that this is a Chinese wisteria. I thought for many years that it was the American variety. This particular wisteria has smaller racemes than the typical Chinese wisteria and the leaf configuration seemed to match that of the American variety. However, last year I let a seed pod mature, which was something I don't normally do. The seed pod was a perfect match for the Chinese variety.

To fatten up your wisteria, put it in the ground and let it grow. Once you put it in a pot, the trunk diameter will not increase very much.

I hope this helps.

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