Make shade as light as possible while still maintaining healthy trees.
I know that's not really giving you much to work with but there are so many variables. One area will be hotter and dries than another. Even within Washington there will be differences. One side of a hill will be hotter and drier than the other side. Trees exposed to winds will suffer sunburn more than the same trees in sheltered area. Heavier shade can be used provided the trees get sun for more of the morning so the shape, size and orientation of your shade needs to be considered. Heavier shade may compensate for inadequate watering while an experienced grower will be able to manage with lighter shade.
All that said, most trees will cope with a range of light intensities so exact parameters are not as critical as you may be thinking.
I would start with a lighter shade and see how the trees respond. You should be able to adjust the amount of cover if some change is required.