The Art of Bonsai Awards

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Michigan, USA
The Art of Bonsai Awards
Sponsored by International Bonsai


After careful deliberation, the staff at AoB has decided to focus on one contest only each year. It is our hope that by doing so, we can bring together a larger representation of quality bonsai from around the world, while continuing to offer a respectable prize list and maintain our high standard of professional judging.

We have taken all of our groundbreaking and record setting contests and incorporated the best ideas from all into one single photo contest format. This new design includes multiple categories, while creating a format where other categories and subdivisions can be easily added to meet the needs of our members and sponsors in the future.

We have also decided to offer additional awards, in cooperation with other bonsai organizations and our sponsors, such the American National Bonsai Exhibition Award, and the ABFF award. These awards are in addition to our primary awards, which are designed to reward and recognize the very best bonsai in the world.

We have eliminated our previous sub-categories dividing professional and non-professional entrants. It is our decision to hold contests that reflect the philosophy of the Art of Bonsai Project, namely that all content be of the highest caliber.

We sincerely hope that you will help spread the word about this contest and participate yourself. Please see the contest area here for more infomation.

Good luck to all!
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Some of our categories include Display, Shohin, Companion Plantings. etc.

I think there will be something for everybody!

Splendid addition to the bonsai calendar. I think we are all going to be amazed at the quality produced by this contest.
Congratulations to the AoB team (in advance) for what will prove to be an eye opener in our world of miniature.

Many thanks

Ash :)
Entries are beginning to roll in and I fully expect to see quite a few from around the world this year. Prizes are also beginning to pile up!

The judges will be announced soon.

Good luck to all who enter!

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And the judges are:

Hiroyoshi Yamaji, Japan

Lindsay Bebb, Australia

Marco Invernizzi, Italy

Wm. N. Valavanis, U.S.A.
I am happy to see Lindsay Bebb included as a judge. Now that he has sold his business, I hope that he finds more time to be able to contribute to the world of Bonsai as I'm sure he has a lot to offer and perhaps he can encourage some Auzzie partisipation. I began my study of Bonsai with Lindsay and did several courses at his Nursery. He and his wife Glenis and son Tony have some wicked Bonsai between them.

There has been over 70 entries to date from over 9 countries and there is plenty of time left to enter.


We just hit 88 entries and we still have two months to go before the deadline. At this rate we will meet our goal of having over 200 entries!

So far we have

17 conifer entries
29 companion planting entries
11 shohin entries
20 broad leaf entries
4 display entries
9 landscape entries

9 countries are represented to date, Spain, Brazil, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Italy, UK, USA, Indonesia

There is plenty of time left and plenty of opportunities to enter and win prizes from the largest list of prizes ever offered in an on-line bonsai contest.

Good Luck
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The deadline for entering the contest is the 30th of this month. So far we have about 170 entries from 18 different countries, but strangely many of the heavy debaters on the forums haven't entered yet. (?)

So...if you were waiting for a personal invite, here it is. ;)

At the least, entering the contest provides inspiration and education for many bonsaists around the world. Entering also gives one a gage or benchmark from professional judges, as well as an opportunity for professional comments on development.

Not to mention a chance to win some of the prizes from the biggest prize list ever offered in an Internet bonsai contest, including automatic acceptance into the first national exhibit in America for a lucky few.

Many say we should talk less bonsai and do more bonsai, well here's the chance to lead by example, good luck to all.

The deadline for entering the contest has been reached, no other submissions will be accepted.

I am swamped with submissions that came in before the deadline and I will post these as time permits. Only those that were received before midnight will be posted.

The 25 countries that are participating are:

Great Britain
Puerto Rico
Sri Lanka

Thank you all for making this a worldwide contest which will enable all viewers to see bonsai from around the world. Good luck to all!
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