The beer bottle (or can) Bonsai Thread

Scouting for trees and fishing what a great Saturday, I'll be getting the climbing gear out this spring ,cliff collecting , I'm planning to make a go pro series on collection climbs might post it on YouTube , stay tuned! No beers in these pictures , gotta hide em on the water !!lol:D20160910_105612.jpg 20160908_191205.jpg
Almost lost my only Amur maple......but I'll review the story on that in it's thread soon. Leaves on this and my other maples are turning much sooner this year. My wife bless her heart saw my fav' beer on sale for 15 for the price of 12.
Cheers Grahamimage.jpeg
Good thing I did go and look it up. That is not saying the tree is bad, not at all. However I have a problem with the photograph. You have to remember that a bonsai is designed to have a front, and sometimes several but a bonsai has only one favorable viewing angle and that is with the edge of the pot acting like the horizon of the Earth with a slight reveal of the opposite edge of the pot behind it. This is the basic concept and the viewing angle from which the tree should be designed, and photographed. There are exceptions of course but for this tree, unless you plan on changing the angle of planting, the level at which it is photographed should be as above. Looks like it have some good things going for it. I'll have to owe you a beer.
@Vance Wood you are correct.

One of the biggest things I'm trying to teach myself with is take my time.

You can't rush this.

Prime example I rushed this picture instead of taking my time.

Should have had the tree on the bench with the proper angle etc.
beer olive nebari.jpg Mebbe shudda used a bottle of OLIVE OIL.

olive beer.jpg


edited because I obscured the olive nebari.

I ...knew... I shouldn't have been using the BEER during the pix.
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