Time to style?

So I managed to finish up the initial rough styling this spring after about a month of wiring after work but I think it turned out ok. I'll try to get some better pics this weekend when my son is home from school and ca help me lift it. In the meantime here are a couple of teasers...P1015504.JPGP1015505.JPG
I can't help myself but to laugh at all the tea bags :) That is such a nice tree. I'm looking forward to seeing it in a year. I just sent Si an email asking him about his Cal Juniper fertilization program. My big one is just getting strong enough for its first major work.

You'll have to help me with styling at the next study group meeting!
Magnificent tree and from following the work you have done; I also realize it is in the right hands.
Really nice canopy. The deadwood is really treated well. Is that root on the left the only live vein on the base?
I can't help myself but to laugh at all the tea bags :) That is such a nice tree. I'm looking forward to seeing it in a year. I just sent Si an email asking him about his Cal Juniper fertilization program. My big one is just getting strong enough for its first major work.

You'll have to help me with styling at the next study group meeting!

Tea bags goooood...with all the cutting back I did I'm hoping to get some good growth and hopefully backbudding this year to try and fill in some gaps without the need for some of the wiring gymnastics I currently have. So the plan is to do fine wiring maybe at the end of the year (it currently has nothing smaller than #14 on it right now) and repot next spring (lots of organic in the soil from pre-tea bag days - so I only water 2-3 times a week right now)...just got to find a nice pot.

Be glad to help any time.
So it took an extra year to do the fine wiring due to my laziness mostly and I wanted to leave the heavy wire on for another year. Over Christmas I was able to wire up the fine branches and style...Here's the before and the bucket of wire I took off:)IMG_1304.JPGIMG_1305.JPGIMG_1306.JPGIMG_1307.JPG
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