Are all the leaves variegated? There is a variegated cultivar: Acer buergerianum 'Goshiki', which looks very similar to this. It is not very vigourous, but I wouldn't really call it a dwarf.
Are all the leaves variegated? There is a variegated cultivar: Acer buergerianum 'Goshiki', which looks very similar to this. It is not very vigourous, but I wouldn't really call it a dwarf.
Currently only about half the leaves are variegated. The branch I photoed is 100% variegated, and several of the other branches are about 50%, though a couple of branches are 100% non-variegated. The non-variegated branches have leaves that are at least 50%-100% larger than the variegated ones. You can see some of the regular-sized leaves in the top of the photo; they almost look like they belong to another tree.
Hah - that's not even a decent amount I let it go in many of my nursery pots - though I slaughter it when it shows up in finished trees. My daughter is learning about St. Patrick's Day in school right now so she is in a hunt for "4-leaf clovers". She thinks my bonsai trees are a treasure trove
Most likely it is 'Goshiki'. It puts out wild unvariegated juvenile foliage when growing unrestrained. When it slows down it forms the roundish leaves and the white variegations.
From the deformed look of your leaves it also suffers from a little fungus. As soon as the tridents start showing claw like leaves, back off on the water and get it into the sun for part of the day. It will right itself fairly quickly.
the variegated maple is a Trident Maple called Goshiki kaede. I lost both of mine this winter and am looking for another one or even two for my collection. If you take any starts off of it, please let me know, I would love to replace mine and have not been able to find one anywhere. Thanks.