What fall treatment for black pine


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Macon, Georgia U.S.A.
I have a japanese black pine that I pruned in the traditional stages in early July (weak, then strong buds).

What should I do (if anything) to the "secondary" buds and candles that have grown from the July pruning. Some of them are just opening needles; others are tiny buds.

The pine is young and still needs lots of ramification, growth and thickening. It is planted in a Vance Wood training container. I live in Georgia so I won't have frost until late October or early November.

I appreciate your advice on how to treat a black pine in the fall.

I have a japanese black pine that I pruned in the traditional stages in early July (weak, then strong buds).

What should I do (if anything) to the "secondary" buds and candles that have grown from the July pruning. Some of them are just opening needles; others are tiny buds.

The pine is young and still needs lots of ramification, growth and thickening. It is planted in a Vance Wood training container. I live in Georgia so I won't have frost until late October or early November.

I appreciate your advice on how to treat a black pine in the fall.


How about a few pics.

Here is a photo of the end of one branch.



you will keep 2 lateral buds and remove the other one(s). Depending on the area of your pine you may want to keep 2 of the weaker buds (on each branch) in the stronger areas of the tree and 2 of the stronger buds in the weak areas. That way you are already balancing the future growth.
In around November you will then remove the old needles which will give extra strength to the new needles.

Dorothy gave you good advice.

Problem I've found with resources on JBP techniques is that for the most part, they are not written very well. Confusing language, mixing and matching terms, etc. The Stone Lantern book is good, but I thought it suffers from this issue as well (because rather than writing one article on JBP techniques, they reprinted a few articles from different issues of Bonsai Today).

The clearest piece on JBP techniques that I've found was written by Hans van Meer. He goes step by step with plenty of pictures. For a guy whose first language is not English, his tutorial is the best in my opinion :D You can find a copy on his website I believe.

Here are a couple of other good resources:



There was a pictorial on a regional club's website (I think from the SE US)that showed step by step what was done with a pretty nice JBP. Unfortunately I can't seem to find the link, but maybe someone else can help.
Thanks for the help and reading material.

Dorothy, When do I remove the buds? Now?

Here is a presentation I did on work of pines throughout the growing season, using time-lapse-type photography on one of my JBPs. Hopefully you will find this helpful. It has been a great learning experience for me as I assembled the photos and worked through the timing aspect.



That was the article I was looking for. Thanks Brian - that's a really helpful presentation.
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