What is your spring bonsai plan?


Imperial Masterpiece
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My bonsai plan for this spring:
1. Wire and shape 2 dozens of Mayhaws I have left. I am going to be very busy. The Mayhaws are already budding.
2. Wire and shape 2 dozens of BC. Some of them will require extensive carving and will take up quite a bit of time. The bud swell is just barely starting so I hope to finish the Mayhaws before I need to get to the BCs.
3. Repot and shape my few tropicals. The tropical likely will wake up after the BCs
4. Collect a couple BCs and perhaps a Tupelo. Low priority. I'll do it only when the opportunity comes.

So what is your plan and schedule?
overwork myself and drop a pot. Run out of substrate and get frozen fingers in the process.

(In other words, repot a shitload of trees; guestimate, 70-80 need repotting).
Still behind, have 3 pines and 6 junipers for wiring.
Mine is hoping "spring" doesn't begin on Jan. 30. It's 72 degrees now. Spring peepers are out calling for mates in the woods. Temps aren't supposed to go below freezing for the next week. February looms...I have my fingers crossed buds on stored trees don't start moving. I suspect Feb. will bring a sudden deep freeze that could endanger trees...

I had planned to repot four or five of the BIG trees, including the live oak (which gets a new pot that weighs 55 lbs). The weather hopefully won't force my hand. I planned on getting to them in early to mid- March (which is typically the time to do repotting).
Mine is hoping "spring" doesn't begin on Jan. 30. It's 72 degrees now. Spring peepers are out calling for mates in the woods. Temps aren't supposed to go below freezing for the next week. February looms...I have my fingers crossed buds on stored trees don't start moving. I suspect Feb. will bring a sudden deep freeze that could endanger trees...

I had planned to repot four or five of the BIG trees, including the live oak (which gets a new pot that weighs 55 lbs). The weather hopefully won't force my hand. I planned on getting to them in early to mid- March (which is typically the time to do repotting).
Let's hope the folks up North don't get warm weather too early and then a sudden freeze.
This is my first spring actually working (non-tropical) trees that have been in development for the past few years since I moved into a house. We got an early spring here, so I've already dug up this huge azalea that was in the corner of my yard. Other than that, doing some repotting of a few maples I picked up and starting development on the primary branch structure.


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Let's hope the folks up North don't get warm weather too early and then a sudden freeze.
yeah, my worry here too. Buds are swelling. potentillas have leaves. My quinces have open growing buds. Two more weeks of 50-55F expected, with a turn to frost again after that.
Hopefully spring wont come until late Feb so I can finish this list in order :)

I am hoping to get pots made for my trees that I may need for this spring,
Then finish up the commissions I have taken on
Make pots to stock up a little on my Etsy Site

Finish my 2 slightly raised beds for moving trees into the ground.
Repot my early spring trees (not too many 15-20) then
begin the bonsai spring shuffle (I am sure there if a GIF for this one...)
Some trees not being repotted need full wirings and possible set up for shows this year.
others just some light pruning-
I have so much work to do I still haven't even compiled a full list of everything I need to get to...so that's the first job for Saturday.

Just ordered a yard of pumice this morning that will need to be sifted and sized upon arrival. Several major stylings and restylings; we have 2 large junipers that were neglected by previous owners that each need days of work, a bald cypress that needs to be carved and styled, and several other smaller styling tasks. Then the repots start.. I still have to finish building the 3+ foot slab I'm making for a DAS forest this spring. Yamadori going into their first pots, repots on established trees, 100+ ficus that need to be bare rooted, yamadori to collect and build boxes for (continuous hiking to check if trees are ready for collecting). Building 150' of privacy fence around the garden and reconstructing the benches.

The work may seem overwhelming to some, but what else would we do with our time?
I have so much work to do I still haven't even compiled a full list of everything I need to get to...so that's the first job for Saturday.

Just ordered a yard of pumice this morning that will need to be sifted and sized upon arrival. Several major stylings and restylings; we have 2 large junipers that were neglected by previous owners that each need days of work, a bald cypress that needs to be carved and styled, and several other smaller styling tasks. Then the repots start.. I still have to finish building the 3+ foot slab I'm making for a DAS forest this spring. Yamadori going into their first pots, repots on established trees, 100+ ficus that need to be bare rooted, yamadori to collect and build boxes for (continuous hiking to check if trees are ready for collecting). Building 150' of privacy fence around the garden and reconstructing the benches.

The work may seem overwhelming to some, but what else would we do with our time?
May I ask where you got the pumice from?
Mine is hoping "spring" doesn't begin on Jan. 30. It's 72 degrees now. Spring peepers are out calling for mates in the woods. Temps aren't supposed to go below freezing for the next week. February looms...I have my fingers crossed buds on stored trees don't start moving. I suspect Feb. will bring a sudden deep freeze that could endanger trees...

I had planned to repot four or five of the BIG trees, including the live oak (which gets a new pot that weighs 55 lbs). The weather hopefully won't force my hand. I planned on getting to them in early to mid- March (which is typically the time to do repotting).
Yup, 72 indeed. Unheated garage with blocked sunlight is holding strong thus far. This whole week is a threat to dormancy.
I have 5 azalea from Nuccios in the garage that I'm dying to get a hold of and trim/repot. Also need to repot quite a few other trees I missed last year.

Agree that the weather is warmer than normal. Two weeks ago it was -20F today it was 42F & it feels like spring is coming too soon.
After I can bring the winter croo from the growhouse I am doing a non co2 fertilized crop of deciduous seedlings in the growhouse.I can then run an vented exhausting AC UNIT since no co2 to waste out the exhaust.
Trident maple,carpinus betulus,carpinus coreana,carpinus turzaninowii,seed grown chaenomeles japonica,zelkova……about 1400 total seedlings all together!!!

I will than have some stuff for Autumn.
Repot some trees. Collect some trees. Watch some trees.

I am most excited to see how some of my collected specimens from last year flush out. The big Old Gold juniper, the flat Old Gold juniper, the 6" trunk viburnum... i have plans to collect a lot of yardadori so need grow boxes pronto.

Oh, and new compost area...

Havent even mentioned the veggie garden... soils getting a turn this year I think.
This is my first season where trees really need a repot but now I have a bunch of them in sequence:
  1. Japanese Mapel that I want to keep in the same pot, but needs a root prune because it's pushing out of its pot. Maybe it deserves a new pot, but I don't quite know what to do with it.
  2. Azalea from Costco goes in a training pot and kanuma.
  3. Shohin juniper needs a new pot.
  4. Coast redwood needs to go in an Anderson flat out of a 3 gallon can. Maybe get a hard cut back.
  5. Dwarf Alberta Spruce goes from a pond basket into a tokename training pot.
  6. JBP from a friend goes into a pond basket for some aggressive growth.
We'll see what I actually get done.
Continue Development

1. Keep DAS 1-2, JPN 1, CBD in their original grow containers, feed and grow, maturing primaries higher up on trunks.

2. Repot DAS 3-5, JPN 2-3, H. Cypress, BNS and BAC into Anderson Flats, feed, and grow.

3. Add Cilica to the fertilizing regimen

4. Meet with Todd Ellis and hopefully Julian Adams (recently joined CVBS)
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