what's up with my bald cypress?


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central florida
some of the leaflets on my b. cypress are turning brown.... not all, and not on all trees. doesn't matter, mature or seedlings. what could this be? they get watered and fertilized all the same way. help! should i pull off the brown ones? could it be a fungus? if so, why don't all the leaves turn brown on the same tree??? appreciate your help, i couldn't find any similar posts on a search..


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The leaves on my BCs start to look a little tired towards the end of summer. Back in July, Gary Marchal recommended at a workshop that you defoliate them so that the foliage would look more fresh for the rest of summer and have nice, consistent Fall color. Works like a charm.

Late season bronzing of BC foliage is typical, especially, it seems, in BC from La.

Mine has done this every year for the last 15. As long as the foliage doesn't go yellow and/or burnt brown, you don't have a problem.

I used to worry about this too, until I read in a book (which is a must have for all BC bonsai growers), called "Bald Cypress, the tree unique, the wood eternal" that it's pretty normal. The book was written by a team of professors and researchers and is the definitive work on the species habits.
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