Who's already ordered the new Kimura Book?

Bonsai Nut

Nuttier than your average Nut
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Charlotte area, North Carolina
Curious who has it on back order. I'm going to buy it when it comes out, but I hate back-ordering things.
I did not realize that Kimura had written another book. When I spoke to him through an interpreter he mentioned how much work a book was and that he thought it would be a long time before he did another one. That was in 2000 at the MABA convention.

So if there is a book do you have details and ordering information>
New Book North American Bonsai

While on books, you might want to think about getting the book from ABS symposium/display from Saratoga Springs, NY. It is all North American native masterpiece bonsai. The photos are beautiful and each tree has a very nice intro.


Dale..Isn't this the book Marty Schmalenberg put together? Is it worth the 50 bucks?
Flex / 4MAAT
Yes, It can out with beautiful pics. If you were at the show and liked the trees you'll like the book.
I thught it was worth $50 , when compairing to a lot I see out there now. I RARELY buy a bonsai book anymore.
Dale..Isn't this the book Marty Schmalenberg put together? Is it worth the 50 bucks?
Flex / 4MAAT

Probably not Flex, I mean they are American trees:p :D

Kidding guys.

Ian (another 4MAATer)
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