Wind Protection


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Los Angeles (Northridge), CA
From mid-fall to mid-spring my area gets visited by the Santa Ana winds regularly. My neighborhood in seems to be in an area that funnels these winds particularly bad. It shakes the house on the worst nights and it's not uncommon that once or twice during the winter a few people's homes lose some gutters or a few ceramic roof tiles. SoCal isn't all sunshine and beaches ;)

Being newer to the hobby I've not built a permanent stand for my trees yet and I'm wondering if anyone on here has some advice on protecting them from high winds. Right now my plants are just being kept on the ground and when the winds pick up they are fully exposed to the gusts. Unfortunately, the part of my yard with the least wind is also the part that has the least sun, maybe an hour or two per day. I could put my deciduous plants here I suppose once they lose their leaves but that doesn't seem like enough for the other trees.

Without having to build a greenhouse in my backyard to block the winds, would something like shade cloth or screen door material work as a wind break that would still allow enough light and fresh air to get to the plants? Anyone tried it or something similar? Any other suggestions for wind protection would be helpful too!
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