Blue Point- Nursery Stock TP


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Here's my amateur work on a juniper. I haven't taken pictures of my pro work yet. Camera breaks everytime! :eek: Wait for it.



Here'some detail for you to be critical. Seriously, I need the criticism. I tried to thin out as much as I was comfortable with above and below the pads. I'm afraid to thin anymore for fear of weakening it too much. I'm going for decent for now. Of course perfection few years later :cool:
Sorry for poor photos.

Juniper was brought home 2 years ago. This year, I reduced the roots, did half bare root and switcharoo of nursery soil with pumice. Next year, skip the roots, but in 2018 I'll bare root the other half and change the soil (Thanks @Adair M).
I like where the tree is going. As mentioned there is no taper the entire length of the trunk. This would be a good carving project to introduce taper and character.
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I totally dig it! Great job with the styling! A carving up top with some lime sulphur and it will be on it's way.

The lack of taper wouldn't keep me away from a project like this.
OK.. Lol I put a tree like that up here and I would be told to throw it on the compost pile. Don't get me wrong I like it...just saying. I think it has potential. Maybe I'm just not liked around here.

OK.. Lol I put a tree like that up here and I would be told to throw it on the compost pile. Don't get me wrong I like it...just saying. I think it has potential. Maybe I'm just not liked around here.


Def not trying to dog on you but as @Jeremy said this tree is not lending itself to a tapered look. I imagine a very old conifer whose apex has been struck by lightening many times.

More importantly, the foliage in the lower section is close to the trunk. The trunk itself, has decent girth with subtle movement. I would have done the same thing!
I want to rephrase what I said. Taper is not so much of an issue with this style of tree but the trunk relative to the branches is very big. A jin on top for sure but I think you should do some carving along the entire trunk line to slim it down and add nice visual interest.

I think this can be a cool project though. Been trying to mess around with carving myself but need to get some more aggressive bits for large wood removal.
Thanks! I am grateful to everyone, but particularly Adair, Brian V Fleet, Sawgrass, Smoke. I got to practice a lot of things like wiring, changing out soil, thinning foliage, and most importantly, keeping the tree alive. There are some mistakes and things not done so well, but when there's down time I'll review notes and threads. Years later I hope to make more improvement. For now it rests, I turn it to get as much sun as possible on the foliage every so often.

About the trunk -- yes, I'd like for it have had taper. Perhaps a change of angle, deadwood carving, or even a restyle would make it a better tree. Right now, all that can wait. I'm just glad I didn't neglect it this year, and I think at least this work will help the foliage grow better and maintain decent structure for the future possibilities.

I would take the next 7 years thinking about whether to take the top off or not.

Or at least....

If you end up effing anything up top jinning it....

You could always bring it all the way down to the first "dome".

I like it.

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