New Bougie

Beautiful! I'm still waiting for my bougie to put out some bracts. He's happy and healthy, putting out lots of new green growth, gets tons of afternoon sun, is kept outdoors.

It's my first year with it, and just repotted a few months ago, so I don't want to stress it by withholding water or anything. They will put them out on their own normally, right?
Beautiful! I'm still waiting for my bougie to put out some bracts. He's happy and healthy, putting out lots of new green growth, gets tons of afternoon sun, is kept outdoors.

It's my first year with it, and just repotted a few months ago, so I don't want to stress it by withholding water or anything. They will put them out on their own normally, right?

Generally they are fairly resilient and once it has recovered it should put some colour out, especially if you say it is pushing green. Not sure how much more of a season you would have left but fingers crossed you get some bracts before the cold hits.
Ahh, just missed the bagman then.
Seriously though I'd be more than happy to cover pot and shipping costs if it is something you want to do but understand if you can't.
I LOVE IT. I've always wanted to do one of these but not going to try it here. Not without a greenhouse. Not hot enough and way too wet.
Ahh, just missed the bagman then.
Seriously though I'd be more than happy to cover pot and shipping costs if it is something you want to do but understand if you can't.

I'm in. It just may take forever!

Sweet, no rush.

I can give you some rough dimensions if it helps although I'm less familiar with cascade/semis but I'm thinking roughly 4 inches deep and maybe 7-8 in wide/round/square. Beyond that whatever you see fit.
That is a horrendous pot, I love it. it suites the gaudy flowers.

"Bad taste, sufficiently extreme, is indistinguishable from Art".
from the "Unpleasant profession of Jonathan Hoag" by Robert Heinlein, 1942

Ha, to be fair it was the only pot I had that was suitable with drainage holes but it has a certain..... something about it.
I think at the least the tree will be happier in the smaller pot rather than trying to populate the nursery container with roots.
Love it! My bougie had similar roots and I left it several years without repotting and they turned into spaghetti noodles roots. Thicker...but crazy. I swear they grow roots like no other.

Lovely direction and enjoyed the thread.
Some of the painted Japanese and Chinese pots are really quite gaudy, much more so than this one. They are used with trees that have really visually strong flowers. This bougie-pot pairing is not bad. Good way to use that type of pot. When the bougie has a better developed trunk, more worthy of being a focal point, a different pot might be appropriate. But for this stage in the bougie's life, this pot is a good match.
Oh wow. Makes me realize how leggy mine is. The weather has been so cold and crappy here I haven't gotten him outside yet. This weekend!
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