Azalea Progression (unknown variety)


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Maidens, VA
I bought this from a local guy last year that was getting rid of his whole collection. He didn't know what type of azalea it is unfortunately. He got it from a local nursery years ago that had some huge stock. I bought a couple from the same nursery back then as well but I managed to kill mine. Luckily he was a little more skilled. Hopefully I can do the tree justice.

Here is the tree shortly after I got it home in 2021 when it occurred to me that I should probably take a before pic. I was already in the process of hacking it.


And here it is after the hacking

And here is the tree this year after repotting and some more hacking. I may need to hack it back a lot further to get rid of some of those straight trunk sections. Or I might be able to hide them with foliage. I will also reduce the mounding more in the future to get it more level in the pot.

It bloomed this year but it wasn't very full. I pruned it pretty late in the year last year. The flowers were a little more pale than my chinzan and started about 3 or 4 weeks earlier.

This one has a nicely formed nebari. Good looking plant.
And here is the tree this year after repotting and some more hacking. I may need to hack it back a lot further to get rid of some of those straight trunk sections. Or I might be able to hide them with foliage. I will also reduce the mounding more in the future to get it more level in the pot.

It bloomed this year but it wasn't very full. I pruned it pretty late in the year last year. The flowers were a little more pale than my chinzan and started about 3 or 4 weeks earlier.

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When did it bloom? That would be one of the first steps to help identifying it. Any pics of the flowers?

I would love to have that one in my collection.
When did it bloom? That would be one of the first steps to help identifying it. Any pics of the flowers?

I would love to have that one in my collection.
Thanks. I'm happy to have it as well and I'm not overly worried about identifying it. Didn't take any good pics of the flowers. I took this pic on May 4, so it started some time in late April.

Did a little more cleanup and wiring on the azalea this morning. Looking at the pic, that first left branch needs some up/down movement. It's got side to side movement but looks flat from the front. After that, I'll just let it grow until next year.

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