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  1. catfish chapstick

    white spruce literati

    I found this tree around December 2018 in a grocery store. They were sold as table-top mini chistmas trees. originally it had a big red bow tied to the top of it. I purchased it for one dollar! I couldn't pass on a one dollar conifer. I didn't really think too much of it. in the spring I potted...
  2. catfish chapstick

    my first yamadori, douglas fir

    this is my first yamadori. I've been waiting my whole life for this. I don't have a lot of experience with styling conifers but I think instinctively i want to preserve the wonderful taper that this tree naturally has. does anyone have any thoughts on douglas fir cultivation or styling??
  3. catfish chapstick

    Old landscape juniper, procumbens nana

    I am planning to dig this juniper in the spring. It has been cut back over the course of two years and this is what it looks like today. Depending on what the roots look like I may or may not bare-root the plant. The trunk has a decent amount of movement and I'm hoping to create a literati style...
  4. catfish chapstick

    Large boxwood

    I have a very large old boxwood that I dug out of my back yard just a couple days ago. I have no idea just how old the plant is but the house was build in the 40's. I cut back one side last year and when I removed it there were plenty of feeder roots so I'm confident that it will survive. I've...
  5. catfish chapstick

    Floating bonsai

    Hello, it's been a while since I have visited the site. Life has distracted me from bonsai... I thought you should have a look at this, if you aren't "floating" your entire collection already. I found it interesting.
  6. catfish chapstick

    What zone?

    What zone is Chinese elm hardy to. Or more specifically: I live in Cincinnati and I want a Chinese elm. Can I grow this outside or does it need lots of protection? I can put it into the ground but idk if it is hardy enough. Anyone have experience in my zone??
  7. catfish chapstick

    large crabapple cutting

    I finally trunk chopped my developing crabapple tree. I know I could have waited and taken the time to air-layer the top off, however I just purchased a new saw, Silky Gomboy, and really just wanted to use it for something. It really is a fantastic little saw. I had been considering a trunk chop...
  8. catfish chapstick

    pure perlite

    I've been reading a lot about soil/substrate for a long time. All the articles, threads, debates, etc. I have seen people who root cuttings in 100% perlite. I have seen where people have grown bonsai in 100% pumice with success.. Or collected trees. Can i plant a ficus in 100% perlite and...
  9. catfish chapstick

    watering apparatus

    I want to buy a nice watering can but I dont want to pay over a hundred dollars for it. Does anyone have any insight on watering cans or at least point me in the right direction? I see some great ones for sale online but the range in price has me wondering. Is copper better for any reason?
  10. catfish chapstick

    Collecting Urban Yamadori

    So I may have an opportunity to dig up some urban yamadori type yew plants. I've never collected a yew let alone grown one. What are the chances it could survive winter if disturbed right now? What can I do to increase chances of survival? They appear to be fairly large but I haven't gone in for...
  11. catfish chapstick

    hibiscus for bonsai?

    Maybe this a dumb question but I have always wondered this... So I have seen some outstanding hibiscus bonsai in photos but the only hibiscus plants I have ever seen in life have huge leaves and even larger flowers, not to mention internodes way to long for bonsai. What I wonder is this: is...
  12. catfish chapstick

    collected elm

    I found a decent looking elm and have removed it from the ground. I have it in an oversized pot and now I'm waiting to see if it will survive the trauma. I hope it does. Say a prayer for it. Is there anything I can give it to help it along?
  13. catfish chapstick

    weeping trees

    Seemingly even more rare in bonsai than windswept, we definitely don't see many trees styled to weep. This dramatic form is almost universally appealing when it comes to real trees. Why so rarely attempted in bonsai? Is it difficult to pull off? Is it seen as easy or unappealing for some reason...
  14. catfish chapstick

    Foliage pads

    How do I put this... What is the deal with foliage pads? Is this something to strive for in bonsai? I look at all these trees and often see well defined foliage pads. If it's not a conifer and the pads look like a set of stairs I don't understand how it can possibly look like a real tree...
  15. catfish chapstick

    'Tom Thumb' cotoneaster

    Does anyone have any experience with this variety of cotoneaster? It's called Tom Thumb and it is a super dwarf with leaves that are very very small. The reason I ask is I am about to buy one and I don't think I have ever seen or heard of it before. Is it like any other cotoneaster? I will...
  16. catfish chapstick

    Bonsai aesthetic

    I've been wondering, is there some mathematical way of describing tree aesthetic? Do trees look good when there is some fractal consideration? If one part doesn't relate to the whole does it look worse? Is it all just a matter of opinion or is there some universal law underlying all of it If...
  17. catfish chapstick

    trees are good for you psychologically and physiologically

    Here is the article Not sure how reliable or scientific this information is but I think that the practice of bonsai is good for the psychology in a number of ways. Just thought I would share. Maybe trees heal...
  18. catfish chapstick

    windswept trees

    I get the feeling that windswept is a form that doesn't get attempted enough. People always say that windswept is difficult to "pull off" and it seems as rare in bonsai as it is in nature. I like a good windswept tree. I like the ones Robert Stevens does and I want to make one in the same...
  19. catfish chapstick

    Ficus from cutting

    This is a cutting that I rooted over the winter. It's got a radial root spread, a little bit of movement, and it's only a few inches tall. I'm going to keep those side branches for now but they will probably be removed in the future. This gets some scale that I just pick off with my fingers. Do...
  20. catfish chapstick

    what do you do while you bonsai?

    i am using bonsai as a verb here and i was just curious: what do you do while you work your trees? do you drink alcohol? if so, what? do you listen to music? what kind? do you prefer to be alone? why or why not? outside? inside? different things for different activities? i want...
  21. catfish chapstick


    Does anyone here have any experience with this product Actinovate? After some research on the interwebz I decided to try this out. One of my trees (elm) has a disease that's unknown to me and my crabapple has nematodes. Also a ficus has nematodes and I'm not at all convinced that my other...
  22. catfish chapstick

    elm disease

    I think this is an American Elm. It's growing strong but it appears to have a disease. I have noticed the same on most elms I see in this area. The tree was collected about three years ago and has always had this disease, which could be why two branches died back over the winter. I know these...
  23. catfish chapstick

    plants think and remember?

    I decided to post this here since it's a little off-topic. I came across this article and, being that I know very little about biology, I don't fully understand it. I did think it was interesting. Reminds me of when people grow a pine in a tropical zone and it acclimates. Idk if that is even an...
  24. catfish chapstick


    here is a little pear i dug up a couple years ago. im not exactly satisfied with the branches. i keep waiting for it to do something. i guess its taking its sweet time. i feed it regularly and it pretty much gets full sun. still waiting to see some flowers. buds are opening and i dont see any...
  25. catfish chapstick

    young, skinny, and naive

    I've got this tree that I was wondering about. It's very tall and not quite old. It's kind of a tall skinny formal broom. I was trying to imagine it as a bonsai and I wonder... Have you ever seen a bonsai that had a long canopy like this? I know the goal is to make the tree look ancient but...
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