japanese red pine

  1. Apex37

    JRP #1

    I picked this guy up about 2 years ago. First year I repotted him into an oversized box that lead to severe needle cast. It struggled didn’t grow much at all that year. I decided last spring to repot it into a pond basket and it did exceptionally better. I just finished up needle plucking and...
  2. Sidesummy

    Sidesummy's JBP & JRP Ground Growing Progression

    Sidesummy's JBP & JRP Ground Growing Progression Photo Series: As of 2022 I'm 7 years into my bonsai from seed journey. I thought it would in nice to provide an ongoing photo series of my progress thus far. Reading the forums for several years I have always found it particularly helpful when...
  3. Shun

    My Japanese Red Pine (Akamatsu)

    Hello! I've been enjoying bonsai for a few years now and living in an apartment always with poor sunlight and little space restricted me to only get just a few (and small) trees. Recently I've been renting space in my local bonsai store so I could leave my trees there as I was worried some of...
  4. L

    Japanese red pine 'Jane Kluis'

    Does anyone else happen to have this variety? The information I've been able to find on the web indicates that it's a hybrid, although there seems to be some question about whether it's a cross between Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii or a cross between Pinus densiflora and Pinus nigra...
  5. LeoMame

    Japanese Red Pine - Pinus Densiflora question

    Hello Bonsai people! One question for you, I'd like to understand if in your knowledge you could understand if this JRP I just purchased is grafted (possibly on JBP) or not? In my opinion, I have no elements to say it is, but I'd also like to know from your experience. The "knob" at the base...
  6. LeoMame

    JRP - Pinus Densiflora branch selection

    Hello Bonsai people, I came across this tiny Japanese Red Pine in a local bonsai nursery, and brought it home: it's tiny and it has some very interesting movement on the trunk, so I couldn't pass. Now the issue: I'm a bit stuck with branch selection, as the top of the tree has a cluster of 4...
  7. AnacortesSteve

    Japanese Red and Black Pines from seed

    I have been growing JRP from seeds collected from the mother tree in my yard so no lack of source seeds, This year I started with JBP seeds I bought online and those have been pretty successful so I thought I would share some of what I have learned (thanks to those that have taught me). I start...
  8. anthony burce

    need help identifying disease and advice on cure.

    Hi there I haven't posted in a while but I just recently purchased this older Japanese red pine. Compact Tanyosho ( Pinus Densiflora Umbraculifera- Compacta) I traveled to Chester CA and found this. Originally priced at 99 but I pointed out the ailment and the nursery owner accepted $50. She...
  9. mwar15

    Japanese Red pine seedlings For Sale/Trade

    I have 6 Japanese red pine seedlings. These are one that were left in the shade, wire left on too long and a couple I experimented with cutting the buds. They are in 3-4" pots. If you want more pictures let me know. They will be going on the FB auction Sunday (10/29). I don't know what...
  10. Sn0W

    Pinus Densiflora 'Alice Verkade'

    So today I saw a Pinus Densiflora 'Alice Verkade' in a garden centre I was visiting. I was speaking to the guy who owned the garden centre about trees when he told me he had a red pine for sale right at the back and if I was interested I should take a look. I jumped at the chance and went...
  11. CWTurner

    Bonsai purchase

    Thanksgiving I traveled to Atlanta to visit family and fit in a visit to Plant City Bonsai. Enjoyed my time there and Steve's hospitality. I also made my first significant bonsai purchase, this Japanese Red Pine. It was dug from a field last January at Muranaka's if I remember correctly. I...
  12. Brian Van Fleet

    Japanese Red Pine

    I purchased this red pine in '08 from Brussel's. The trunk was good, and I chose this as the front that showed the best trunk line: In '09 I repotted it, and put some movement into the upper portion of the trunk: It grew nicely that year: But all the growth was at the tips of the...
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