I've wanted to get a trident for a long time but never found one in my (low) price range that called to me. This one caught my eye when I was wandering around lone pine a few months ago, though I'm starting to see some issues the more I study it. Planning to do a major chop, cleanup, and repot...
Hello everyone, this tree might be a little difficult but i wanted to save it since it was going to a bin. Someone i know renovated their place and kept this maple as small hedge. I found it and asked to have it. Do you think there is any chance for it to become somewhat of a bonsai.
Last week I elected to chop this first year maple down due to a concern about fungus action up at the apex.
My question is, since the chop is at the complete wrong time of the year, how do I deal with all this backbudding? Should I wait till it's a little colder and just rub the buds off to...
Here is Judy's piglet less refined, dirty south cousin. 3 years in the making. Year one I chopped the tree down while it was still in the ground. Year two I chopped it again from the new leaders it had grown and did some basic trunk selections leaving about 5 or so. Year three I dug up all...
This Trident has been growing in my yard for around 10 years, I think it was probably around 5 years old when I planted it. I had a bunch of earlier pictures of the trunk development, but naturally I lost them. I've allowed it to grow to 15-20 feet and chopped it back to the ground around 5...
Buds are starting to break and I'm planning to repot this Kashima into an Anderson flat . I am going to remove the 2 lowest branches and possibly more. My question is should I leave some top branches in tact to improve sap flow? I'm happy with the trunk size. Looking to develop a small to...