
  1. Grant Hamby

    Shohin Olive

    Just wanted to start a thread to track this little guy's progress. This is my first olive. I got it today. I put a little wire on it and slipped it into a pond basket with zero root disturbance. I already like the basic size and structure of the tree, I'd just like to refine it. (I know my...
  2. Mr. Green

    Indoor Bonsai for Beginners

    Hi guys, Since I am completely new to this forum, I will give a quick intro: I am 23, German/French/Italian, studying in the Netherlands. I have always had a love for growing things, especially in early high school. After a few months of not being active on that side, my passion for plants has...
  3. boguz

    Olive tree

    Hi all Here is my little olive tree. It has all the right branches that i want. I will repot and put some good soil in early spring.
  4. ColinFraser

    Chopped and ReChopped Olive

    I just potted up a little olive I bought from a landscape nursery, probably in late 2014, and I thought I'd share its evolution thus far - it's certainly been instructive for me. It was several feet tall, and I cut off all the long stuff so it could stand up in the car. One of the reasons I...
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