
  1. cozmicat

    Sango Kaku (Coral Bark) Maple

    Hey all, wanted to get a discussion going on my large maple. Which was purchased from someone who collected from someone’s yard and cut down. They had this tree for about 3 years after collection. After bringing it home the plastic pot broke, so I had to slip pot into the large mica pot. I was...
  2. L

    Lorax7 Sango Kaku #2 progression

    Sango Kaku JM air layer (2021): The parent tree is Sango Kaku #1. I started the air layer in spring, shortly after it pushed the new leaves. Girdled the branch with a grafting knife, scraped the cambium layer off, and wrapped with moist sphagnum moss. Harvested the layer about a month ago and...
  3. L

    Lorax7 Sango Kaku #1 progression

    I’m bad about remembering to take pictures before I start working on a tree and this is no exception. Fall 2019, after I’d repotted it into bonsai soil in this large planter with the intention of growing it out and thickening up the trunk a bit while I take air layers off the top: I’ve since...
  4. J

    Odd Palmatum (Sango Kaku) air layering behavior??

    I'm lucky to have a rather large Palmatum in my backyard, and i started to air layer it this season. I took 6 air layerings to test how the tree responds. The tree has good genetics, roots rather quick and 5 of the air layers took, even the rather thick ones. However, the strangeness happened...
  5. pstaboche

    Sango Kaku not doing great

    I'm fairly new to bonsai and horticulture as a whole so any advice would be greatly welcome. I bought a Sango Kaku JM at Lowes in an area where everything was marked 50% off as a "distressed plant". My question is about disease, I have noticed that the tips of some branches have turned black or...
  6. Rivian

    Sango Kaku - Winter flame

    I have a Sango Kaku Japanese maple (first year, not much experience) and Im wondering how it compares to Winter flame, which is another red wood winter interest JM with similar leaves. However, Winter flame is more or less a dwarf variety not usually exceeding 8 feet tall. My main question is...
  7. Kodama

    Sango Kaku Thoughts?

    Hello Bonsai Nuts! I'm new here and have been reading about the art of Bonsai for years but with very little practice. The extra time at home has re-inspired me to try again and take it a little more seriously this time. Very cool forum here with alot to sift through but would be interested in...
  8. shakotan710

    Coral Bark Maple

    Hello everyone! This maple was won at my local Sacramento bonsai club raffle earlier this year and this was its first styling since it's been in my possession. A fellow member of my local club, Roger Steel, was kind enough to host a workshop and allow me to work on this tree. This tree was...
  9. gallina1594


    So my parents have this sango-kaku that had a lot of die off the past 2 winter's. There's still a live branch on it, and there's new growth all over the trunk, so I have hope! But my parents want to rip it out and start new. What's your experience with sango-kakus? Think I should try to bonsai...
  10. parhamr

    Progression of Acer palmatum ('Sango kaku' coral)

    May 2012 Found discarded at a curb in the city. February 2014 March 2015 The fertilizer is Osmocote 14-14-14. October 2015 December 2015 After a heavy prune back to the first or second internodes. I removed each of the above-soil roots at left and right because they were weak, too...
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