$0.00 "Bench"

One question: why do you let the bench facing to the neighbor? Is there any particular reason? sunlight direction?

Only because my vegetable garden would be right in front that way...and I'm running out of stepping space in there...
I hope to run a paver path around the back in the future..
I found some free blocks...but I was late.

I did get pedestal materials today.
6 4ft 4x4's and 6 10x12in tops.
A bag of quickcrete to set em.


First staining tonight.
Second coat morning...
Setting em tomoro eve.

Less we got baseball! Then who knows when! Before the weekend for sure!

I love this game!

Free works. Plus a little knowledge of wood butchery (carpentry) and presto, a bench.
A true dirtbag build, nice!

Did you buy a place or renting now?

Thanks bro! Just renting...
My permanent garden is on hold for a year or 2 or 3! Hopefully 1.

It might still be in Colorado!

@sorce - Damn bro, wish I had your energy. Nice construction, you even rounded off the corners of the feet. My construction skill is limited to piling cinder blocks and setting a board on it.

Nice yard, I can see you are still ecstatic over being out of that cramped apartment. Nice job on the yard. Next I have to have you help with mine. LOL

I would invite him to help with mine but the last person
left shaking their head and mumbling something along the
line of "oh hell nah; not me, not in this lifetime."
Next I have to have you help with mine.

When I finish up...I'm in.
Is there such a thing as dimensions to the inside of a clean van?
If so...(though likely not), shoot em to me and I'll start finding some free shit to fit!

I'll go to Bam too!


Nothing but interior stain at work...
So I'm out a $20....shit....

One more coat in the morning and it'll be mixing and pouring after work the morrow.

We got these old garbage bins from back in the back back day....20160628_205141.jpg

Drilled a bunch a holes in the sides...

And one in the deep end...20160628_205158.jpg

Gotta remove a bit of fence....
Thinking I'll frame it out with a stainless tube frame that was left here....

Time to start composting.

Cuz if I gotta spend $20 on stain....you know I ain't buying fert for the garden next year!

Any plans to get a guard dog?
I'm sure Monkey didn't like that remark one bit.
I'll put Rupert on a bus to Sorces house and he can teach Monkey the fine art of tearing hunks of ass out of undesireables.
Just picturing Sorces dog hanging off of someone's butt makes me smile.
Excellent creativity with the wood and parts around you....fabulous when an imagined plan comes together....and works like imagined. Well done!
teddy bear

He's ok!

24 hours will be up after this baseball game and it'll be moving and shuffling.

I guess I should add....my 2 lil ones helped sand the wood, and they put their names in the concrete.

I effed the angle of that back right stand...so it gotta be dug and turnt.
Wait no....it was the drunk bear!

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