A few white pots


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Northeast Florida
For those of you that voiced an interest in white pots: here are a few for your viewing pleasure.



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I like two and four, personally. I don't know what I'd plant in #4... it might just end up in a display case somewhere :)
I like two and four, personally. I don't know what I'd plant in #4... it might just end up in a display case somewhere :)


It's nice to get your input and I appreciate you taking the time to comment on these pots.

Pot #4 is one of those "happy accidents" so to speak. It is made from a white, stoneware clay body and finished with a clear glaze.

The accident happened when I was making the original pot. I had put some cobalt blue slip on the outside of the pot and was in the process of stretching it when the pot collapsed. Being an economically minded person, I scraped up the mess and wedged the pieces back into a usable lump of clay and this was the result.

How large is number 4?

Hello Fred,

Pot #4 is a round pot and measures 5 1/4" x 1 1/2".

any of the others?

Only one more similar to the one. It is also measures 5 1/4" x 1 1/2".

The second pot shows what the original intent was.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.



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Here are a couple more white pots for your consideration.



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I like the rusty white interior of the pot 4, I'm guessing it's due to the thinner application and a bit of crawling. The cracked square is a beauty.
I like the rusty white interior of the pot 4, I'm guessing it's due to the thinner application and a bit of crawling. The cracked square is a beauty.

Thanks Keith, I appreciate your positive feedback.

First, I think the blue crackle pot is amazing. However, I'm not sure it would be practical for a bonsai pot. It would be another piece for a display cabinet :) The problem would be matching the very rough textured finish and blue color with a complementary tree. I am having trouble seeing it.

Of your second set of pots, my eye was also attracted to pot #4 - the one with the brown on the interior of the lip and the subtle yellow streaking on the exterior. I'm not sure what it is about the streaking or the form, but I really like it. I think it gives me a feeling of age and time. It looks wabi-sabi to me :) Old and organic.
First, I think the blue crackle pot is amazing. However, I'm not sure it would be practical for a bonsai pot. It would be another piece for a display cabinet :) The problem would be matching the very rough textured finish and blue color with a complementary tree. I am having trouble seeing it.

Of your second set of pots, my eye was also attracted to pot #4 - the one with the brown on the interior of the lip and the subtle yellow streaking on the exterior. I'm not sure what it is about the streaking or the form, but I really like it. I think it gives me a feeling of age and time. It looks wabi-sabi to me :) Old and organic.

Thanks B-nut, I appreciate the constructive feedback.

Your right about the blue stretched pot, matching it up to a specific tree does present a challenge. Actually, this pot was a test piece I made to evaluate the finish and not really intended as a bonsai pot. I see this more as an accent pot or as you pointed out a display piece.

The other pot you commented on is finished with one of my ash glazes. It is the ash glaze that gives this pot it's organic feel. I have had several others besides yourself and Keith comment on the inside of the rim. The brown streaking is a result of the glaze application in that location. I will have to do a little more experimenting with this.

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