Acer palmatum

Ah.. Well..
In practice only the white tips of the roots do the plant any good when it comes to getting water and nutrition out of the soil. Once the root turns brown, the root has started to create bark, which is much less permeable then the whilte roots.

My main arghument for waiting is the reduced risk of breaking off the ew roots in wind or something like that.

I always separate early, as I want the roots to have space to grown, and rather put the plant in the shade for a week or two, fiving them some easy growing conditions.

Has anyone actually tested the difference in post-separation growth and establishment when separating at different times?

From my own perspective I honestly see no advantages to separating sooner rather than later. I have never had issues with roots having space to grow or being broken off by things like wind? In fact I would say the opposite. I think one is more likely to damage them when they are so small and tender.
I think one is more likely to damage them when they are so small and tender.
Read my post again. That is what I also said ;)

My main argument for waiting is the reduced risk of breaking off the new roots in wind or something like that.
Read my post again. That is what I also said ;)

My main argument for waiting is the reduced risk of breaking off the new roots in wind or something like that.

Ah got it thanks! I misread your original post. :)
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