ANGRY Bonsai


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Why do so many of the members responses sound aggressive or firey. Is everyone on this site a leo or having some hormone problem. I thought bonsai was supposed to calm you by bringing nature right up close to you, not get you annoyed at people who don't have all the answers.
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Why do so many of the members responses sound aggressive or firey. Is everyone on this site a leo or having some hormone problem. I thought bonsai was supposed to calm you by bringing nature right up close to you, not get you annoyed at people who don't have all the answers. And if one person even for a second thinks I'm sensative, may something very bad happen to you today.

The responses can not sound like anything, they can only be read and it is the reader who sometimes colors such statements with implied tone. Don't read more into the written word then is actually there and what is actually there is just a few written words.

No one here will flower up the sentences or hold hands and run giggling through the tulips, what you will get is some straight forward answers, not handed to you on a silver platter, but instead showing you how to answer many of the questions on your own in the future.

And yes, I think you are being a little sensitive. May something wonderful happen to you today.

Relax, slow down, enjoy,

"Why do so many of the members responses sound aggressive or firey."

"And if one person even for a second thinks I'm sensative, may something very bad happen to you today."

Well your post sounds aggressive and firey to me;-)
HOLY CATS ! :eek:

I agree with Will Heath.

Somebody mark this day down in the calender.

Don't worry about it. Will will never know. He turned us off two weeks ago...
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