Anybody else?


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Anybody else get a PM from redjersey?
[so is this a pirated copy or a virus?
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Definitely sending you to an attack site. I'd avoid it like the plague.
Anybody else get a PM from redjersey?
[so is this a pirated copy or a virus?

I did.I also received it as an email addresses from Admin@Bonsainut.
Does anyone know how this could happen? It seems some one has highjacked the site.
I got a PM from the same jerk as well.
got one too. as avatar movie full preview. he gone...
He's been banned. I also changed some usergroup permissions to block personal messages from anything other than registered users.

Funny thing about gmail. I get so much spam via gmail accounts that it is hard to manage. I had gmail universally disabled for the forums, but I recently got a number of personal requests to re-enable it. My mistake :(

There are currently 56 gmail accounts in the moderation queue that have been submitted for membership but are almost certainly spammers. They didn't take Christmas off :)
Thanks for all your hard work BonsaiNut - I can imagine it must be quite a chore. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate your efforts. :)
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