Aphids on grass?


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Albany Ny
First time I've ever seen aphids on a lawn. Had four or five clumps like this. Is this unusual? This is one reason why I'm hesitant to leave my "trees" outside. I'm pretty much infested here.


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Do you have alot of dandelions?
I do sometimes get aphids, but they don't bother my trees any, and we have a nice population of lady bugs every year that seem to keep them in check. Sometimes they bother my rose bushes, but i actally planted those to attract the aphids away from other plants.
Do you have alot of dandelions?
I do sometimes get aphids, but they don't bother my trees any, and we have a nice population of lady bugs every year that seem to keep them in check. Sometimes they bother my rose bushes, but i actally planted those to attract the aphids away from other plants.

Someone else here mentioned they planted roses for the same reason. I'd say I have a decent amount of dandelions. I actually like them..lol. I'm not an OCD lawn guy, I just keep it mowed. I'm a little short on ladybugs though. There used to be a home improvement store around here that sold them in little pint sized containers.
We have a real dandelion problem here where i live, so i get quite a few as well. They deffinately are the reason for your aphids.

Plant some roses if you can, they will help keep them atleast centralised and pestering the roses instead of other things in your garden.

Honestly i wouldnt worry to much about them pestering your trees, they leave mine alone, certain species of tree you will have to watch more than others, but if you keep an eye on them, they are easy to spot quick and stop.
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