As Contests Go...

Reaction score
Ottawa, KS
I know I will take some heat for this from some quarters, but here goes. I posted something like this at Art of Bonsai, but thought I'd better mention it here, too.

While I chafed against the premise of the recent North America v. Europe (Best Big-Time Professional Bonsai Smackdown) contest over at Art of bonsai, the thing seemed to take on a life of its own, one bigger than its conception. Many of the trees posted were absolutely some of the best in the world. And as expected, some of the trees were exhibited before their time, or simply didn't belong in any exhibit.

I thought, as I watched the entries add up, that I had a good handle on what was a good tree and why, and what wasn't a good tree and why. Imagine my surprise when the judging was very close to my own! Now I get to be smug!;) Seriously, I learned so much just paying attention to the scores and comments. Even where I was in complete agreement with the judges right down the line, they still made a comment that broadened my perspective. And where I was in disagreement, their comments inevitably opened my eyes to new possibilities.

All in all, I would have to say that this was the most informative, instructive, contest I have ever seen.

I would say more than that. I would say that this contest will have the effect of improving bonsai in the U.S. and perhaps Europe, as well. Anyone who approaches the judging with an open mind will learn any number of things with which to judge their own trees. And that's a good thing.

Congratulations to Will Heath and the Art of Bonsai staff.
Very good of you Chris. Too bad Will turned on the ignore feature!

Seriously though, thank you for these comments. To be honest, I haven't taken the time to actually look through the entries and the judging; but, because of this post I will now make the time this next week to do so.
Could this be the effects of Boon?
Curiouser and couriouser; what happened to the lynch mob? If I remember correctly there were those who wanted to hang Will from the highest yard arm, boil him in oil, tar and feathe him and make him eat feathers. I may be wrong but----and I know this is hard for some people----I'm sorry are two words that would go a long way to mend fences.
Curiouser and couriouser; what happened to the lynch mob? If I remember correctly there were those who wanted to hang Will from the highest yard arm, boil him in oil, tar and feathe him and make him eat feathers. I may be wrong but----and I know this is hard for some people----I'm sorry are two words that would go a long way to mend fences.

Let it go Vance sweetheart.

Sometimes its best to let sleeping dragons sleep!
Don't stir the pot.
I would say that this contest will have the effect of improving bonsai in the U.S. and perhaps Europe, as well. Anyone who approaches the judging with an open mind will learn any number of things with which to judge their own trees. And that's a good thing.

Congratulations to Will Heath and the Art of Bonsai staff.


I'm totally impressed Chris...great statement. :)
Could this be the effects of Boon?

Actually, Boon has never done anything but support me while staying above the fray. I have always tried to keep an open mind, and when I see evidence that my position is mistaken, I have never had a problem with admitting my mistake and moving on.

I still believe that even greater things could be accomplished along those lines without everything being taken to the extreme just for shock effect. But that does not diminish the accomplishment.
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