Anonymous User
I spend a lot of time on bonsai forums, not only those I am administrating, but many other bonsai forums as well, mostly reading and keeping up with happenings in the community. I have often been amazed at some of the advice given out to new comers and others by those who should know better.
Recently I noticed a newcomer asking advice about a serissa (of course) that is in ill health (imagine that) and a moderator of the forum where the question was asked automatically assumed the problem to be "root rot" (a cover all common diagnoses that is usually not the problem at all) and suggested the newcomer yank the tree out of the pot and cut back roots and then re-pot it! My God, does this moderator actually believe that re-potting a sickly tree is the wisest choice of action? This is usually a death sentence for any tree and should be used only when the problem is known for sure and there is no other choice.
A better suggestion would have been to simply slip the root ball out carefully (if really needed) and inspect the root mass without disturbing it at all. After that, then an intelligent decision could have been made. Knowing serissas, the best advice would have been to tell the newcomer to leave it alone, don't try and baby it to save it, water when almost dry and keep it in the same place it thrived in before.
This is just one single recent example of the kind of advice given out on bonsai forums that is unwise, dangerous to the tree, and could be very discouraging to the person receiving such advice from members and, as in the case above, moderators of forums.
Thankfully, this wasn't on this forum and I certainly hope that such questionable advice would not go unchallenged here as it did at the forum where this was posted.
What are your thoughts on such advice?
Recently I noticed a newcomer asking advice about a serissa (of course) that is in ill health (imagine that) and a moderator of the forum where the question was asked automatically assumed the problem to be "root rot" (a cover all common diagnoses that is usually not the problem at all) and suggested the newcomer yank the tree out of the pot and cut back roots and then re-pot it! My God, does this moderator actually believe that re-potting a sickly tree is the wisest choice of action? This is usually a death sentence for any tree and should be used only when the problem is known for sure and there is no other choice.
A better suggestion would have been to simply slip the root ball out carefully (if really needed) and inspect the root mass without disturbing it at all. After that, then an intelligent decision could have been made. Knowing serissas, the best advice would have been to tell the newcomer to leave it alone, don't try and baby it to save it, water when almost dry and keep it in the same place it thrived in before.
This is just one single recent example of the kind of advice given out on bonsai forums that is unwise, dangerous to the tree, and could be very discouraging to the person receiving such advice from members and, as in the case above, moderators of forums.
Thankfully, this wasn't on this forum and I certainly hope that such questionable advice would not go unchallenged here as it did at the forum where this was posted.
What are your thoughts on such advice?