Bonsai Blogs


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Ptown oregon
I'm seeing a lot of bonsai blogs from the US and Europe. I was wondering if anyone has links to japanese bonsai blogs because I really enjoy those.

Here is one I have not looked at in a year or so until today.

Amazing stuff if you like mame. Here is one example:

Thanks Guys! These links are very good. :)
In the Miyamoto Shohin JBP series the photos are all the explanation I need to understand. They also gave me a solution as to a tiedown issue I have had. It looks like two aluminum roofing nails are inserted into the remaining root mass to serve as anchoring points. I just hope I can find the aluminum variety rather than the galvanized at my local big box store.

Thanks again,

Bob O

C'mon Monk!!! He is using a drainage layer, what a retard!! LOL, Just kiddn', I too use draingage layers and know they are 100% effective. I just couldn't resist knowing how this topic has been a hot one recently!

how do you use google translator? is it difficult to use?
C'mon Monk!!! He is using a drainage layer, what a retard!! LOL, Just kiddn', I too use draingage layers and know they are 100% effective. I just couldn't resist knowing how this topic has been a hot one recently!


LOL! Way to take us back Jason!
C'mon Monk!!! He is using a drainage layer, what a retard!! LOL, Just kiddn', I too use draingage layers and know they are 100% effective. I just couldn't resist knowing how this topic has been a hot one recently!


Yep - look at this one

another retard using rapeseed cake - everybody now knows that it's useless compared to H2O released fertilizer. What a "basic bonsai care failure"!!!
nope, i use google translator.

here's an example of japanese blog

buddamonk, I downloaded Google Chrome and then downloaded the translator tool bar. Thanks for the tip. The primary pages works great and translates so it is readable.

But, can you tell me how to cure something? I open the main page you linked us to and the page is translated to English. Good enough. But when I open one of the instructional pages that are in red down the page, the text is just a jumble of symbols. Question marks odd english letters and strainge symbols that are not Japanese. When I hit the translate button on the page it just changes to a new bunch of gobbedy gook.

Any idea why I am not getting the Japanese symbols on the secondary pages?
buddamonk, I downloaded Google Chrome and then downloaded the translator tool bar. Thanks for the tip. The primary pages works great and translates so it is readable.

But, can you tell me how to cure something? I open the main page you linked us to and the page is translated to English. Good enough. But when I open one of the instructional pages that are in red down the page, the text is just a jumble of symbols. Question marks odd english letters and strainge symbols that are not Japanese. When I hit the translate button on the page it just changes to a new bunch of gobbedy gook.

Any idea why I am not getting the Japanese symbols on the secondary pages?

i am having the same problems. granted, the pictures are pretty self explanatory, but google says its in Czech or something, i dont know if the website is just jenky or what... anyone have any other sites, i love browsing through these. English, japanese, or any other language! :D google translator is very helpful
Here's the best blog ever (besides Walter's)

It's in spanish but the pictures are absolutely breath taking and in large size if you click on it. Take a look at the video as well. It's updated almost daily with delicious eye candy

Don't forget to use google translator...
Thanks Guys! These links are very good. :)
In the Miyamoto Shohin JBP series the photos are all the explanation I need to understand. They also gave me a solution as to a tiedown issue I have had. It looks like two aluminum roofing nails are inserted into the remaining root mass to serve as anchoring points. I just hope I can find the aluminum variety rather than the galvanized at my local big box store.

Thanks again,

Bob O

Bob, you shouldn't have any problem finding aluminum roofing nails, but if you do, try stainless steel screws. They work just as good,(probably better holding power), and any Lowes or HD will carry them.

Here's the best blog ever (besides Walter's)

It's in spanish but the pictures are absolutely breath taking and in large size if you click on it. Take a look at the video as well. It's updated almost daily with delicious eye candy

Don't forget to use google translator...

Dude - there's an obscene number of incredible images in this blog. Thanks for sharing. :)

Google Translator Link

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