I think it's about time a better tree was exposed in all this mess. It's grown out for two years from it's initial styling.
What say you?
It looks like a nice piece of material, I would like to see it cleaned up and wired.
keep it green,
Me Too! Want to come out to Cal. and sip some Irish coffee while we comtemplate it's future?
I think the front is on the other side. I had always liked this side but two years later and maybe I think I will change my mind.
Pictures anyone?
Just as long as we don't work on it UTI !
keep it green,
You know I just went out to take pictures. Funny thing. I always had this tree pegged as a semi cascade. Never gave other forms another shot. I found it in the desert as a semi cascade over a cliff, therefore it must stay as a semi.
Hold on, this thing with the right manipulation would make a really killer informal upright. The wood looks like it would take to the 90 degree move fairly well. This weekend I will try some moves with the foilage cut back and see what we can do.
This might really get interesting. A little drool just slipped out of the corner of my mouth at the thought.
UTI - ? until totaly inebreated ?
Al, who did the obviously extensive preliminary styling on this one?
How about Under The Influence, which is not a good way to style bonsai trees, it gives you the illusion you have skills not previously exhibited, like my favorite one, that I can dance.................
keep it green,