So 2-3 days ago, I noticed that my larch was browning. Last week, I had to hand remove some wire because I don't have any wire cutters. I have also sprayed the tree with "Carl's Soap Solution" several times over the last few weeks while trying to deal with a spider mite problem in my growing area. Also, there has been some serious rain storms the last couple weeks. Normally the tree is kept in FULL sun, but I moved it to shade when i noticed the browning. Most of the browning needles are restricted to the ones along the length of the new shoots, but not all. There is no browning of the buds or terminal growth. This is my first full growing season with this tree or any other. What does this situation say to you, and what would be your plan of action. Pics would be included, but it is still raining and dark out.
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