Can I repot this azalea even though it came from a slightly different climate?


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Hello everyone, I recently got this beautiful azalea however it is in this plastic pot which is quite small. After removing it from the pot I couldn't tell if the roots were already touching the sides of it. The soil is rock hard however the water still drains well. My only concern is that if I leave it in this pot it wont flower as well the next year and wont be as healthy. The nursery this bonsai came from is the same country it is currently in however the climate there is slightly warmer. Is it safe to repot after flowering even though it is still adapting to the new climate or should I wait until next year?Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 18.39.15.png
Your azalea will adapt to the current conditions in just a few days. You should be good to repot any time from now. Enjoy the flowers and repot soon after.
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