Can you dig it?


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Mission Viejo, CA
Yes we can.

Si Nguyen and I spent a few hours at a local nursery on Saturday and it was mentioned in passing that they had some 10 year old chinese quince and crabapple out back that needed lifting. Well, after a while picking through we tagged a couple each, planning to return sometime over the next few weeks.

Sunday morning came around and off we went, armed with all the right tools.

Si picked out this nice crab and started cutting back:


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I found a crab hiding in the interior, bit more of a pain to dig but just couldn't resist the nebari and taper. A couple of hours later everything is in the bag.


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This is the quince field along with a close up of some of the trees.


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Here is the quince I picked out just dug and potted. I didn't get any shots of the nice one Si picked out, maybe he can add them here.


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Then I tackled potting up the crab apple, shortened the large roots by a lot and cut back the top. There are still a couple of large branches that need to go but I think I'll let it go for now.

Got a bit of sunburn (75 F and sunny last weekend - this is weird, I'm starting to miss winter - not really) and a hell of a backache but it was worth it.


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very very interesting trees, how much did you pay for them?
Awesome finds there Ian. That crab has incredible taper. These will really be beauties.
Fantastic material! Can't wait to see what you guys do with it. Congrats on the finds.
You've got some beauties there. Great material! Crab apples take FOREVER to gain any taper, even though they may be fast growers.

Where is this nursery?
I am itching to go there this weekend, since I live in your area as well.
Really exceptional finds. A crab with taper and a quince with a thick trunk! These look ready for the refinement stage. The only thing to top these finds is all you Cali cats doing lifting and transplanting now. It cold where I live. Good luck with these and keep us posted on their development.
Congrats on your great trees.
The only thing to top these finds is all you Cali cats doing lifting and transplanting now. .

It's the best part of living in California. I am already planning to start root-pruning some of my trees next week, and laying out the game plan for each tree for the upcoming growing season.

The most exciting part of the bonsai season is a couple of weeks away!
Then in February, my whole backyard comes alive....except the zelkovas, which are always the last to wake up.
It's the best part of living in California. I am already planning to start root-pruning some of my trees next week, and laying out the game plan for each tree for the upcoming growing season.

The most exciting part of the bonsai season is a couple of weeks away!
Then in February, my whole backyard comes alive....except the zelkovas, which are always the last to wake up.
It sounds like you miss Vancouver and our great white north conditions LOL. As you can recall, we are still a couple of months away.......
Cheers Gman
It sounds like you miss Vancouver and our great white north conditions LOL. As you can recall, we are still a couple of months away.......
Cheers Gman

I always miss Vancouver, and B.C. in general, I think it's the best place on Earth.
But when it comes to growing season, I take California any time...;)
Somehow my earlier post didn't get posted :confused:

Nice pub crawl, uh, nursery crawl. Some fine looking specimens indeed and I await their future with anticipation, especially the crab.
Hello everybody,
It was a great weekend for a nursery crawl and some urban yamadori! Ian was good company.:D A bit too liberal maybe, but ok.;)

The digging was easy as pie, especially if you had somebody else digging for you. A nursery worker came by and dug up my crabapple for me. I never got my white shoes dirty.:D That picture of me there was just for show. Too bad I don't have a picture of Ian as he was digging. It was NOT a pretty site!:D

Here's my little Chinese quince.


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Here's my crabapple. This picture is before I pruned it today. Next update should show much shorter branches. The root ball is very flat. It really could go directly into a proper bonsai pot.


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Hello everybody,
It was a great weekend for a nursery crawl and some urban yamadori! Ian was good company.:D A bit too liberal maybe, but ok.;)

Hey, I resemble that remark, between the 2 of us we can find a happy medium:D

Looking good there Si, I'm just about to cut my crab back a bit more.
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