Can you tell me what kind of bonsai this is?

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I just got this bonsai tree as a present and I don't know anything about it. I don't know what it's called or how to care for it. Do any of you bonsai wizards know anything about this tree?


  • bonsai.jpg
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S Africa
It looks like a ficus tree
Please update your profile with your location, peoe in your area or that know the weather conditions there will be able to help you with advice that suits you best

keep it outside, very light shade to full sun for a few hours every day, morning sun is good, afternoon sun is hotter

get yourself a chopstick or toothpick and jab it in the soil, only water again if you pull out the stick and its dry
If its still damp or wet then youre still good
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Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
Ficus I think ...

I agree, it looks like a ficus ... there are many varieties ... pretty easy to care for ... it is semi-tropical so it cannot take a frost ... it will try and grow up and out ... you can pinch back or cut the leaders and pinch the buds to keep it under control. It takes pruning well and is pretty much indestructible if you keep the soil moist and feed it every couple weeks (solid or liquid). Fun to learn to shape bonsai with as it forgive your mistakes. Susceptible to aphids and the like - if you find some - wash it with a very dilute water / dishwashing soap solution and then again a week later ... you can grow it indoors in the winter with a grow light or even in sunny window. Search this site for ficus threads ...
Looks like a nice bonsai and pot ... keep the tray under the pot filled with water for local humidity ... they love to be misted (spray bottle).. If you keep them very humid - they can grow desirable aerial roots ... if you want to thicken the trunk, the tree can be cut back severely or "chopped" and then the branches regrown ...
It is in the broom style now ...
Hope it helps
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