Here's a Coast redwood stump I've had for two years now. Got it from Bonsai Northwest, who got it from Mendicino Bonsai. Great material.
First photo is from shortly after I got it, repotted and slightly cleaned up.
Two weeks ago I was out studying the tree, clippers in hand, deciding to remove the lower foliage areas, or at least some of them. My wife, bless her soul, happened by. I'm a desert rat, and she's from the tropics, so we seldom see eye to eye on bonsai styling. She said what a great tree, asked if I have had it long (!!! - not a very observant soul
) asked what I was going to do to it, and when I told her, she screamed, claimed the tree, and forbid me from any such "radical" pruning ever!
So here it is, cleaned up a wee bit perhaps, and I'm just hoping I didn't do enough for her to notice!
The carving was done shortly after the first photo, BTW, and is a combination of areas mother nature caused that I merely cleaned up, and the more extensive carving on the top jin that was my doing.
First photo is from shortly after I got it, repotted and slightly cleaned up.
Two weeks ago I was out studying the tree, clippers in hand, deciding to remove the lower foliage areas, or at least some of them. My wife, bless her soul, happened by. I'm a desert rat, and she's from the tropics, so we seldom see eye to eye on bonsai styling. She said what a great tree, asked if I have had it long (!!! - not a very observant soul

So here it is, cleaned up a wee bit perhaps, and I'm just hoping I didn't do enough for her to notice!
The carving was done shortly after the first photo, BTW, and is a combination of areas mother nature caused that I merely cleaned up, and the more extensive carving on the top jin that was my doing.