Critter control


Queen of the Nuts
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South East of Cols. OH
I know a lot of you guys have problems with critters, so here is a the solution that I've found to be so far foolproof for both birds and rodent types. I place sphagnum on the surface for summer to cool the pots and keep the moisture, but that attracts birds looking for nesting material. Also the fert pellets seem to be tasty to critters. What I did this year, was take the soaked sphagnum and put it in the blender with the fert and make it into one application. Then to keep everything out of it, I take a piece of soft bird netting and cut to size, slice it to the middle, then cut a hole for the trunk. Lay it on top of the soil, with enough to go over the edges of the pot. Overlap the edges of the slice, stick a skewer in it and done! I have not had any problems since starting this. Granted, it's not terribly attractive, but easy enough to remove the netting when company is over.
Hope this helps someone.
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I like this...just need about 1000 sq feet of the stuff....
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