Critter control - what do you use?


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New Mexico, AHS heat zone 5
I was waking up every morning to find the pumice from my grow boxes scattered around the bench. Once, I saw a bird rooting around in one of the boxes. I took a page from the pack rats' playbook and put cactus needles from a cholla cactus on the surface (pack rats place them around their dens for protection). Seems to be working!

I know I wouldn't mess with a tree littered with cholla! I messed myself up bad last week removing an 8foot beast at my work, awful week after that lol

I put screen on the pots that have moss to keep the birds from tossing it around looking for bugs etc.
I don't have much birds, and the mouse are death by mouse-trap. They dug a hole under my (dead) birch-tree, but not anymore.
Guns,clubs,dogs,poison,traps and an enclosure for winter.
Guns,clubs and dogs for everything larger than a mouse. Traps and poison for the little ones.
Guns,clubs,dogs,poison,traps and an enclosure for winter.
Guns,clubs and dogs for everything larger than a mouse. Traps and poison for the little ones.

I forgot to mention that I have 3 big dogs patrolling my yard, so squirrels, mice, etc arent too much of a problem. I have had possums in my yard in the middle of the night...That was fun
I put screen on the pots that have moss to keep the birds from tossing it around looking for bugs etc.

So far, if the moss has full coverage, I haven't had a problem with those pots. Maybe that's because I have guard bees! Being in a dry climate, I have bees on the moss all day long getting a drink of water.
So far, if the moss has full coverage, I haven't had a problem with those pots. Maybe that's because I have guard bees! Being in a dry climate, I have bees on the moss all day long getting a drink of water.
Lucky you, I have wasps! Lol they don't bother me as long as I don't bother them.
I'll have to take out the nest in my greenhouse sometime this montho_O

I had wasps too when was growing in organic...digging holes and laying eggs in the soil. Now they're not present, they don't like granules of inorganic soil components.
I had wasps too when was growing in organic...digging holes and laying eggs in the soil. Now they're not present, they don't like granules of inorganic soil components.
They don't lay eggs in the soil as I also use 100 percent inorganic mostly, they just LOOOOOOVVE that water!

They don't lay eggs in the soil as I also use 100 percent inorganic mostly, they just LOOOOOOVVE that water!

Wasps here prefer drinking beer or coke, so they are not around my trees on the 11th fl any more.
So far, if the moss has full coverage, I haven't had a problem with those pots. Maybe that's because I have guard bees! Being in a dry climate, I have bees on the moss all day long getting a drink of water.

Well, I spoke too soon. Some bird has been ripping the moss off of my trees, especially my locust. I've resorted to wire mesh and have some hanging reflectors on order. I'd love to stand guard and use some of @M. Frary 's methods, but my family refuse to keep bringing me food, and they want me to go to work and stuff.
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Well, I spoke too soon. Some bird has been ripping the moss off of my trees, especially my locust. I've resorted to wire mesh and have some hanging reflectors on order. I'd love to stand guard and use some of @M. Frary 's methods, but my family refuse to keep bringing me food, and they want me to go to work and stuff.
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I do the same with a few in organic substrate.
Not pretty, but effective...
I had no problems with my inorganics until very recently, some tiny grey bird.
I've been thinking of mounting one of those plastic owls near my trees....
I see them on commercial buildings all the time, and occasionally in yards of gardeners.
Must work, right?
I do the same with a few in organic substrate.
Not pretty, but effective...
I had no problems with my inorganics until very recently, some tiny grey bird.
I've been thinking if mounting one of those plastic owls near my trees....
I see them on commercial buildings all the time, and occasionally in yards of gardeners.
Must work, right?

No, plastic owls, falcons, etc. don't work. The birds soon learn that they're not going to do anything. I ordered these reflective discs that have good reviews:®
I have these black birds that drive me crazy. They scratch in everything. I started putting a layer lava rock on top and it seems to work. I now do that with everything I replant. Will see how it goes this summer. They tend do that more in the drier times of high summer. That'll be the ultimate test...fingers crossed;)

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