Vance Wood
Lord Mugo
What a pathetically remark. Wow - how old are you?
So, tell me what I didn't answer? What do you want me tell you about some shit which is deflecting yet more questions about why the US is messed up?
Why don't you take care of your own government problems before you become so bloody awful critical of ours? Right now we are in the process of trying to return our country to the constitutionally limited democracy under a Republic, instead of this Socialist abortion we have been struggling under for the last eight years. Why do you think the UK pitched the EU? For the same reason, they are losing their sovereignty. Now you are looking to have Sharia law jammed down your throat and shoved up your Eur-Socialist asses. Why don't you stick with you really find touch with bonsai and get your hands and opinions off of our politics? After all why do you care? Why do we care what you think.