Donald Trump.

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Oh, come off it now! It's indecent to use people's sufferings to put forward your fascist, racist views. You have no compassion whatsoever, only words of hate. This is insulting to the victims in orlando, and in paris, and everywhere where stupid fascists like you support the big stick policy.

In Iran when the CIA set up a coup to oust a republican, secular government in 1953 ( to put a puppet into power until the banger exploded in your ass
In Afghanistan, where you supported, funded and armed Osama Bin Laden (see the result now)
In Irak where you pretended to bring 'democracy" (see the result now)
In Chile, where the US supported with money, and "military counsellors" a totalitarian religious state (and in the rest of Latin America)
In Nicaragua where drugs were exported to the US in exchange of military support

In Cuba, which was an outsourced brothel and tax-heaven for the mafia and rich americans until the people rebelled because they couldn't bear it any more. And the only alternative for them at that time was to side with the USSR. And they've been collectively punished for that for decades.

I hate bigotry as much as you do. Actually, I think I hate bigotry more than you do: to me all religions suck, even football (soccer):

How many bullet holes in this hooligan's body if French "lawful citizens" had had handguns (not even AR-15s), or if he had been a black teenager in a US street? 48? 49? 50?
Not racism and bigotry, just common sense.
Common sense, is what is lacking on the left.
Common sense is what people hear from Donald Trump.
Common sense will save us, or political correctness will kill us.
And by "us", I mean, the entire civilized world.
Gun laws was mentioned up thread. What are these gun laws?
What you should be asking is how could he be allowed to be an armed security guard at a government building!?
This is a pattern established by obama that turns a blind eye to muslims.
He forces Americans to go out of their way to integrate muslims into our society, restricts our gun rights and basically feeds Americans to the "wolves."
When this traitor to our constitution says he will transform America this is the cornerstone of his plan.
Hillary will do the exact same thing.
I choose to protect myself and will continue to do so!

I watched the Orlando shooting report on our National news tonight. It seems this shooter has been known as a radical by the authorities, and even been interrogated twice in the past. His ex wife when interviewed described him as mentally unstable.....!
What confuses me is....How the hell can a man with a reputation like that, walk into a gun shop and buy two automatic assault rifles and a shitload of ammo under these gun laws?
Please tell me i'm missing something here, because for me this sounds to ludicrous to comprehend.....!!!
Gun laws are those things designed by government to take control over something the Constitution does not allow it to do in the first place. It does not matter what kind of gun I want, the Constitution does not allow the government to intrude on it. That is the whole point. The Constitution assumes the good intentions of the American People and their ability to act accordingly. The Constitution allows the people to be armed inorder to defend the country from all enemys domestic and forgien.
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it all depends on what you are hunting - i wouldnt take an ar to go elk hunting but i would grab a varmint gun (ie AR15) for hog hunting or dispatching coyotes.
Seriously... Anyone that uses an assault rifle, to go "hunting", has got an issue with the reality line. An assault rifle is for assaulting...period. When you pick it up, it sends the psyche into a killing mode (albeit subconsciously mostly). Ask any soldier or video gamer...:p
Hunting is all about respect for the animal.... when you pick up an assault rifle, you are going shooting...NOT hunting :confused:
Seriously;----You my friend do not know what you are talking about. Just because you have this perception in your mind proves nothing. I was watching a program we get here about Alaska State Troopers. According to them the most popular personal weapon of the residents in Alaska is the Ar15.
I have not read this entire thread. I knew I should not have opened it.
Most of you know I am a supporter of gun ownership. I think gun sales must be more strict. A person intending harm should not be allowed to purchase these so easily. I don't care if it takes a lie dectector test to know. Those things can tell if the person is lying even to themselves.
Are you buying this gun to commit mass murder? Yes or no.
You are a liar.
As far as trump goes- nah!
He is a scam artist, a liar, a racist.
He himself is a radical.
Hillary is a criminal. Both are criminals!
America is effed.
I have not read this entire thread. I knew I should not have opened it.
Most of you know I am a supporter of gun ownership. I think gun sales must be more strict. A person intending harm should not be allowed to purchase these so easily. I don't care if it takes a lie dectector test to know. Those things can tell if the person is lying even to themselves.
Are you buying this gun to commit mass murder? Yes or no.
You are a liar.
As far as trump goes- nah!
He is a scam artist, a liar, a racist.
He himself is a radical.
Hillary is a criminal. Both are criminals!
America is effed.
You go girl!
Seriously... Anyone that uses an assault rifle, to go "hunting", has got an issue with the reality line. An assault rifle is for assaulting...period. When you pick it up, it sends the psyche into a killing mode (albeit subconsciously mostly). Ask any soldier or video gamer...:p
Hunting is all about respect for the animal.... when you pick up an assault rifle, you are going shooting...NOT hunting :confused:

disclaimer - i dont hunt. but i also dont judge those that do, its none of my business as long as you arent endangering others.
i want to clear something up and google it in case you think im wrong.

  • AR-15-platform rifles are among the most popular firearms being sold. They are today's modern sporting rifle.

  • The AR in "AR-15" rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. "AR" does NOT stand for "assault rifle" or "automatic rifle."

  • AR-15-style rifles are NOT "assault weapons" or "assault rifles." An assault rifle is fully automatic -- a machine gun. Automatic firearms have been severely restricted from civilian ownership since 1934.

  • If someone calls an AR-15-style rifle an "assault weapon," he or she either supports banning these firearms or does not understand their function and sporting use, or both. Please correct them. "Assault weapon" is a political term created by California anti-gun legislators to ban some semi-automatic rifles there in the 1980s.

  • AR-15-style rifles look like military rifles, such as the M-16, but function like other semi-automatic civilian sporting firearms, firing only one round with each pull of the trigger.

  • Versions of modern sporting rifles are legal to own in all 50 states, provided the purchaser passes the mandatory FBI background check required for all retail firearm purchasers.

  • Since the 19th century, civilian sporting rifles have evolved from their military predecessors. The modern sporting rifle simply follows that tradition.

  • These rifles' accuracy, reliability, ruggedness and versatility serve target shooters and hunters well. They are true all-weather firearms.

  • Chamberings include .22, .223 (5.56 x 45mm), 6.8 SPC, .308, .450 Bushmaster and about a dozen others. Upper receivers for pistol calibers such as 9 mm, .40, and .45 are available. There are even .410 shotgun versions.

  • These rifles are used for many different types of hunting, from varmint to big game. And they're used for target shooting in the national matches.

  • AR-15-style rifles are no more powerful than other hunting rifles of the same caliber and in most cases are chambered in calibers less powerful than common big-game hunting cartridges like the 30-06 Springfield and .300 Win. Mag.

  • The AR-15 platform is modular. Owners like being able to affix different "uppers" (the barrel and chamber) to the "lower" (the grip, stock).

but i wont bore you with technicalities - so instead ill just ask you

do you really not see the irony in whining about the lethality of an ar15 and then saying that killing an animal is all about respect for it? if you respect it - leave it alone. how are you gonna claim to care about preserving life and then state that killing another living thing is being respectful of it?

do you know ANYTHING about terminal ballistics or ever even shot a gun? i honestly cant tell if you are joking around, trying to get a rise out of someone, or completely clueless .
do you know ANYTHING about terminal ballistics or ever even shot a gun
Yep I grew up in Africa. As long as I can remember hunting and guns were in my blood without even thinking about it. Ballistics in reality has very little to do with hunting. With a .22 and a stock .303 you can do 90% of your hunting. With all due respect I don't care what AR stands for. If it looks, feels and performs like an assault rifle, then it is an assault rifle. That gun is an assault rifle.
Its sad to see that we as a society has evolved away from nature, to such a degree that "hunters" don't even realise the concept of respecting the animal when hunting it. Suffice to say how much it flabbergasts me, that some "hunters" go after their quarry with an assault rifle. It really is a disgrace....:(
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Her's one for you: A native Alaskan family, The Hailstone, who have been documented for several years in a reality series The Frozen North hunt with a Mosen Nagant, a Russian WWII war surplus rifle. You would not consider it an assault rifle because it is bolt action but it was a state of the art assault rifle in its day. You remind me of the people Jesus spoke of who were so bound by definitions of the law that as he said of them; "You strain at a gnat but then you swallow a camel." Not that it matters much what you think about America and Americans, your opinions are aggravatingly wrong.
I might not in your eyes know what i'm talking about, but i'm sure as hell wont be running to for advise, when it comes to hunting equipment, or whether me as a citizen should be packing an assault rifle. If you think that is cool then good for you.
As for you trying to make out that I have something against "America and Americans".... I told you before I don't, so concentrate and let it sink in this time. On the other hand if you have some guilt that's keeping you out the feathers, and in front your TV (where you get all your info from) then its your problem. Plz don't involve me in that...and leave Jesus out of this. He has enough on his plate as it is...:rolleyes:
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I know I shouldn't watch this thread, or reply to messages. It's so depressing, so full of simplistic trigger-happy rethorics that it makes me sick and I sometimes "blow my top". But I still have some faint hope that people here and there might one day face the truth.

I know we have a different history, that in some places, the mainstream culture was based on segregation and violence, and like it or not, it left traces. We have (had?) come to terms with our history, like the Germans did. I still expect my friends in Turkey to "digest" the Armenian genocide. They're still my friends, but even if they are secular, they are stuck in that nationalistic religious official history that has been forced into their minds from an early age.

We had another terrorist attack two days ago: a man killed a policeman when he was getting back home, and his wife inside their house, under the eyes of their 3-year-old son, "in the name of Allah". He only had a knife. After trying to negociate for him to surrender, the police forces intervened, shot him dead and took the kid to hospital unhurt, but as you can imagine, such a trauma won't be easy to overcome. Imagine what might have happened if the guns laws here were the same as in Florida... And we have far-right extremists here (I even wonder who between Le Pen and Trump is the worst far-right religious bigot)

And it's not about which candidate for the next presidential election is: the debate should be about economy, environment, jobs, not to take any opportunity to raise fears, discriminate people and prepare civil war - which is what the "jihadist" expect us to wage.
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Imagjne what would happen if you had laws such as those in florida.

I imagine that the victim would have had the freedom to choose how and if they wanted to defend themselves.

I know its not as dramatic as stories of mass shootings but the fact is there are numerous incidents of people who successfully defend themselves everyday. They just dont draw the attn that single mass shooting brings.

But they had the freedom to choose to protect themselves and lived another day as a result.
I know I shouldn't watch this thread, or reply to messages. It's so depressing, so full of simplistic trigger-happy rethorics that it makes me sick and I sometimes "blow my top". But I still have some faint hope that people here and there might one day face the truth.

I know we have a different history, that in some places, the mainstream culture was based on segregation and violence, and like it or not, it left traces. We have (had?) come to terms with our history, like the Germans did. I still expect my friends in Turkey to "digest" the Armenian genocide. They're still my friends, but even if they are secular, they are stuck in that nationalistic religious official history that has been forced into their minds from an early age.

We had another terrorist attack two days ago: a man killed a policeman when he was getting back home, and his wife inside their house, under the eyes of their 3-year-old son, "in the name of Allah". He only had a knife. After trying to negociate for him to surrender, the police forces intervened, shot him dead and took the kid to hospital unhurt, but as you can imagine, such a trauma won't be easy to overcome. Imagine what might have happened if the guns laws here were the same as in Florida... And we have far-right extremists here (I even wonder who between Le Pen and Trump is the worst far-right religious bigot)

And it's not about which candidate for the next presidential election is: the debate should be about economy, environment, jobs, not to take any opportunity to raise fears, discriminate people and prepare civil war - which is what the "jihadist" expect us to wage.
" hope that people here and there might one day face the truth."
Well that is very ambiguous. What is 'the truth' that you are talking about?

How is Trump a religious bigot? He may be a bigot, but he is not religious at all. He claims to protect freedom of religion, but he is not religious. Far from it. He gave a speech (I forget where) and was reading a bible verse and pronounced II Corinthians, a book in the bible, "Two Corinthians" rather than "Second (2nd) Corinthians".

Comical, really.
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I imagine that the victim would have had the freedom to choose how and if they wanted to defend themselves.

I know that they couldn't defend themselves when attacked by surprise when opening their door.

I know I mustn't read this thread, how can anyone with a modicum of common sense bear such nonsense (understatement).

"Hi love, did you have a nice day?"


"Oh, hang on a few secs Mr killer, I'll go and get the gun which is just right here, in the top drawer of the shoe shelves. It will just take one or two seconds because I'm not impressed at all by seeing my husband's head bolwn off, and anyway, I didn't like that top, so don't worry for the brain cells over it. And I'm deaf, so I just can't hear my little boy shreeking behind me. Anyway, kids are such a nuisance, you know. I've learned to keep my head such circumstanc..."


Ah, hard luck, she wasn't quick enough. One second after she said "Hi!", she got shot between the eyes.

Ten seconds later, Mrs Martin (the most common name in France, and very common too in other countries), Mrs Martin got out with her husband's hunting gun (lots of people have hunting guns here : they must be registered). She can see the bodies of neighbours that went out to say "Kids, stop that noise, you know it's forbidden to use crackers, if you don't, I'll call the police!) She sees the terrorist (he's almost black, or hispanic, or "arab"so in a split second she could see that he was a baaaad guy). She shoots. She misses him but a stray bullet kills the rooster in the Parrys's garden. Well, she didn't like the Parrys because Welsh people are so, how can I say, odd? And her son Martin martin hated the rooster that cock-a-doodled-do on sunday mornings when he had a hangover (He's on BonsaiNut and regulrly post in the "Beer can bonsaï" section). And that was a nice sight to see all these feathers flying, like multicoloured snow in June.


Mrs Martin was cut in two halves by 45 rounds of ammunitions in 60 seconds. I know, 60 seconds is very long, but anyway, Mrs martin was a real shrew.

Well, isn't that fun?

I'll stop here, I begin to feel a kind of bulge in my pants...
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Right except thats not how it plays out most of the time. I teach defensive shooting and i know.

And how did those guns laws work for u with the terrorists and their ak? That's the problem with gun free zones. When the criminals come in the victims are sitting ducks.

Your arrogant american-bashing condescension adds nothing to this conversation. And you dont even live here. I mean seriously wtf?

You have no skin in the game and no frame of reference to add expert opinion or experience. Just self righteous condemnation because others are too 'simplistic' to understand someone on your level. You state no facts or stats to support your statements.

We get it you don't like religion or america or gun ownership. But doesnt sound like france is quite the utopian safe house from terrorism either so who are you to condemn or complain. What do have to offer of value?
You state no facts or stats to support your statements.

I do, I do...

And other people too, who try to use them with humour to trigger (hu hu) the beginning of a reflexion on this issue. Here's a video that has just been sent to me by an American friend (who travelled a lot):

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