Donald Trump.

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Used to be you couldn't get an assault rifle at the hardware though. Now you can. They have AR-15 rifles on sale at the Ace Hardware in Mio.
I also have 2 friends that have these guns. I've shot them both. Guess what. When they go hunting they don't bring the AR. They bring hunting rifles. Guns that were made for the purpose. The assault rifles are novelty weapons to these guys.

it all depends on what you are hunting - i wouldnt take an ar to go elk hunting but i would grab a varmint gun (ie AR15) for hog hunting or dispatching coyotes. and so what if they are a novelty - maybe you shoot run-n-guns and shoot competively. maybe you like to collect military weapons (i have over two dozen ww2 era rifles) - who are you to decide what i can and cant own. the assault weapon ban of 90s was driven by fear and misinformation - even the cdc agrees it did nothing to reduce crime (in fact violent crime went down after its repeal) according to feinstein and the awb - a 22lr firing smith and wesson m&p15-22 would be illegal or a ruger 1022 with an evill black stock since it has foreward grip and collapsible stock although functionally no different than a glenfield 60. again - you have people with no idea what they are talking about and no frame of reference trying to dictate policy.

a corvette isnt necessary for transportation. its designed to go fast. guess what. your not supposed to speed. do you want to the government telling you what to drive based on the idea that you MIGHT speed?

also lets ban alcohol - cause you MIGHT drink and drive.

sudafed may be used to make meth so lets make everyone jump hoops to get sinus meds cause they MIGHT make crystal meth (oh wait we did that already)

and nail guns - you might injure yourself trying to do work at your house - lets take those away too.

you cant legislate away people problems - they will still get their hands on whatever their weapon of choice will be - whether its an ar, an ak, and axe or a pressure cooker. because they are criminals - and criminals dont care about laws.

the people you are preventing are the law abiding citizens, the people who arent going to do anything illegal with them in the first place.
There are many civilized people out there anymore.


You probably have understood English is a foreign language to me, but is what you wrote either a symptom of schizophreny, or a freudian slip of the tongue?...

Cool down, babe.
I absolutely love it when people start justifying the availability of weapons like the AR-15 by referring to the dangers of cars, or nail guns, or swimming pools. Shows me that they are really running out of talking points.
I absolutely love it when people start justifying the availability of weapons like the AR-15 by referring to the dangers of cars, or nail guns, or swimming pools. Shows me that they are really running out of talking points.

how so? where did i run out of talking points or make any that were invalid? i have plenty of stats and talking points - but its hard to type all of them on my phone in between meeting breaks.

or are you trying to convince yourself you have the intellectual upperhand because you have yet to provide any proof what so ever that more laws work, assault weapon bans are effective or anything else of value? tell us what YOU think the problem is and how to fix it? is more gun control all you have - because history shows that does not resolve the problem.
A combination of approaches are needed, including better enforcement of existing laws regarding guns, evaluation of and probable adjustment to said laws, better identification and tracking of dangerous individuals, and of course, larger scale changes to society where the roots of many of these problems lie.

Unfortunately, I don't believe we have the stomach to really tackles these issues, and the problem will just continue to be punted down the road. The country is just too divided and neither side is willing to compromise. We'll probably keep up with the bombing of ISIS targets, which may actually create more problems than it solves. If Trump gets elected, maybe we'll block Muslims from entering the country. But that won't prevent anyone who is already here and radicalized (or just pissed off or mentally unstable) from purchasing weapons that shouldn't be available in the first place, at least not as easily as they currently are.
We have checks in place to keep people from getting firearms but there not a crystal ball that can determine who is going to do what. So, specifically, how do we do that. What additional laws or modifications can be made that dont alienate or discriminate sensitive groups or violate civil rights.

Not being argumentative i just dont see a way to do that. You can rely on ex wives claiming someone is crazy, we don't have useful mental health facilities to determine. And even with checks guns like drugs can always be obtained illegally. So how do we proceed and how does any of these address the reason people are violent.
I agree that better enforcement of laws is needed. If you have ever sat in court and watched the people who walk away with a slap on the wrist you know how frustrating it is. But i dont hear msnbc discussing any of this i hear AR15 THE SKY IS FALLING.
Members of "civilized" societies shouldn't be obligated to carry weapons in order to feel safe...period.

I agree a civilized society should not have to do this,
neither should it be forbidden from obtaining them especially when the government has demonstrated the inability or unwillingness to do those things necessary to protect it. I don'believe many of you have not come to grips with the fact we have been invaded by a hostile force.
. . . I don'believe many of you have not come to grips with the fact we have been invaded by a hostile force.

The (updated daily) Ramadan Bombathon 2016 Scorecard alone is worth the price of admission. And, towards the bottom, "Put the Numbers in Perspective" does exactly that as well.

You probably have understood English is a foreign language to me, but is what you wrote either a symptom of schizophreny, or a freudian slip of the tongue?...

Cool down, babe.
But using proper grammar and spelling is considered racist nowadays, so I gotta make a mistake here and there.
it all depends on what you are hunting - i wouldnt take an ar to go elk hunting but i would grab a varmint gun (ie AR15) for hog hunting or dispatching coyotes. and so what if they are a novelty - maybe you shoot run-n-guns and shoot competively. maybe you like to collect military weapons (i have over two dozen ww2 era rifles) - who are you to decide what i can and cant own. the assault weapon ban of 90s was driven by fear and misinformation - even the cdc agrees it did nothing to reduce crime (in fact violent crime went down after its repeal) according to feinstein and the awb - a 22lr firing smith and wesson m&p15-22 would be illegal or a ruger 1022 with an evill black stock since it has foreward grip and collapsible stock although functionally no different than a glenfield 60. again - you have people with no idea what they are talking about and no frame of reference trying to dictate policy.

a corvette isnt necessary for transportation. its designed to go fast. guess what. your not supposed to speed. do you want to the government telling you what to drive based on the idea that you MIGHT speed?

also lets ban alcohol - cause you MIGHT drink and drive.

sudafed may be used to make meth so lets make everyone jump hoops to get sinus meds cause they MIGHT make crystal meth (oh wait we did that already)

and nail guns - you might injure yourself trying to do work at your house - lets take those away too.

you cant legislate away people problems - they will still get their hands on whatever their weapon of choice will be - whether its an ar, an ak, and axe or a pressure cooker. because they are criminals - and criminals dont care about laws.

the people you are preventing are the law abiding citizens, the people who arent going to do anything illegal with them in the first place.
Members of "civilized" societies shouldn't be obligated to carry weapons in order to feel safe...period. Mind you, I'm not anti 2nd amendment, but I wonder how many of the 30 thousand plus people who were shot last year in the USA were committing a crime or victims of one...I honestly don't know.

Data like that is available from the FBI. According to their 2014 homicide data,, about 40 percent were murdered during an argument, probably with someone they knew. About a quarter-- 24 percent-- were murders in Felony circumstances (rape, robbery, burglary, etc.) Another 37 percent were classified as "unknown circumstances." So a quarter is the straight ahead number of murders using guns for felonies, but that could rise depending on the unknown. In that data, guns are by far the most commonly used murder instrument (table 11), but murders using knives, fists and blunt objects aren't insubstantial. The "other" category (I shudder to think what those involve) were almost 1,000. The 658 people who were beaten to death with fists and feet might argue that "civilized society" is a relative term.
Data like that is available from the FBI. According to their 2014 homicide data,, about 40 percent were murdered during an argument, probably with someone they knew. About a quarter-- 24 percent-- were murders in Felony circumstances (rape, robbery, burglary, etc.) Another 37 percent were classified as "unknown circumstances." So a quarter is the straight ahead number of murders using guns for felonies, but that could rise depending on the unknown. In that data, guns are by far the most commonly used murder instrument (table 11), but murders using knives, fists and blunt objects aren't insubstantial. The "other" category (I shudder to think what those involve) were almost 1,000. The 658 people who were beaten to death with fists and feet might argue that "civilized society" is a relative term.
Civilized societies recognize that murder is not ok, for ideological reasons.
They murder people out of compassion.
They also perform "honor killings" on women, and others, routinely.
Like the guy who murdered his son for watching soccer. He believes that watching soccer is the first step to becoming transgender.
This is what Hilary and Barry Hussein won't even speak of, let alone do something about.
It seems that they actually support it.
Not that it means much; it is as though we are shouting down a very deep well, but the fact remains; the first act of a Tyrant is to confiscate personal weapons. Don't forget that a handful of Jews held off a division of the German army for several months in the Warsaw Ghetto, with only a handful of hand guns and rifles.
They also perform "honor killings" on women, and others, routinely.
Like the guy who murdered his son for watching soccer. He believes that watching soccer is the first step to becoming transgender.
This is what Hilary and Barry Hussein won't even speak of, let alone do something about.
It seems that they actually support it.

Oh, come off it now! It's indecent to use people's sufferings to put forward your fascist, racist views. You have no compassion whatsoever, only words of hate. This is insulting to the victims in orlando, and in paris, and everywhere where stupid fascists like you support the big stick policy.

In Iran when the CIA set up a coup to oust a republican, secular government in 1953 ( to put a puppet into power until the banger exploded in your ass
In Afghanistan, where you supported, funded and armed Osama Bin Laden (see the result now)
In Irak where you pretended to bring 'democracy" (see the result now)
In Chile, where the US supported with money, and "military counsellors" a totalitarian religious state (and in the rest of Latin America)
In Nicaragua where drugs were exported to the US in exchange of military support

In Cuba, which was an outsourced brothel and tax-heaven for the mafia and rich americans until the people rebelled because they couldn't bear it any more. And the only alternative for them at that time was to side with the USSR. And they've been collectively punished for that for decades.

I hate bigotry as much as you do. Actually, I think I hate bigotry more than you do: to me all religions suck, even football (soccer):

How many bullet holes in this hooligan's body if French "lawful citizens" had had handguns (not even AR-15s), or if he had been a black teenager in a US street? 48? 49? 50?
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Don't forget that a handful of Jews held off a division of the German army for several months in the Warsaw Ghetto, with only a handful of hand guns and rifles.

Firstly, the "allied forces" didn't support them because they had made a deal with Stalin. Don't forget this, the so-called "superpowers" carved up Europe into zones of influence, and the "allied forces" waited until the Russians took over.

Secondly, if you think that in the 21st century you can resist a modern army with "only a handful of hand guns and rifles", then you are eligible for the MacGyver Award.

Thirdly, what you're talking about is pure fantasy: there is nothing to compare between an invasion, a civil war and an isolated act of an individual.

We can consider these figures, before the mass-shootings in Paris and Orlando:

9,147 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2011 (315,000,000)
35 people were killed in France by firearms in 2011 (66,000,000)

OK, let's be cynical:

130 innocents died in Paris. That's about 4 times the annual number of deaths by firearm in France.
If you apply the same ratio for the US, that gives about 36,500 dead. Plus 9,147, let's say about 38,500 casualties in a year.

Lucky you, you've got the 2nd amendment, the NRA, and Donald Trump!

I must admit we can't compete.
sounds so great i hope you stay - you certainly wont be missed over here.

and for the record - you most certainly can resist a modern army with only a handful of guns (estimated between 3-600 million in this country i would say is slightly more than a handful).

since your highness is so educated and above all us barbarians, then im sure you are familiar with viet nam and afghanistan.
History is usually wasted on the Liberals but the reason we had Viet Nam is because we tried to protect the French interests in S.E Asia because they were not able to hold on to it themselves after WWII. It was a handful of guns and a determined population that rested freedom from the then most powerful military in the World and made a nation of it. That was us and eventually the French helped---at a cost, but they helped.
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