Fertilizer Burn only from chemical ferts or organics too?


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Can organic ferts cause fertilizer burn or will any unused portions just wash through and not be absorbed by the tree?
My understanding was that fertilizer burn was only from chemical fertilizers making organic the safe choice but would like some confirmation of this.

Thanks in advance.
Moderation & proper proportion is the key...whether organic or inorganic.

It is more difficult to over fertilize with organic since they are much weaker (thus the term "safer"). Doesn't mean it can never burn. Remember, even plain, innocent, and safe water can become deadly when over done. ;)
NYBonsai, I have never used organic fertilzer on Bonsai. I do remember as a kid working with roses and getting fertilzer burn from organic fertilizer. Some organic fertilzer would release a lot of nitrogen initially, causing the plant to shut down and you would get leaf tip browning and drooping. I think this would relate to Bonsai as well, but I don't know.

Fortunately there are many here who use organic, unless I am wrong Smoke is a proponent of the cake types and is full of sound info, maybe you could send him a PM here ?

Both "chemical" and "organic" fertilizers are salts, chemically speaking, and it is the accumulation of these salts in the root zone that cause root burn(water being pulled OUT of the roots instead of going in). It's less likely to get a burn with organics, but it can still happen. Fwiw, I use both 9 months out of the year and have never had a problem that I'm aware of.
I've seen reports here and there about some of the organics - particular fish emulsions and some seaweed products - having high amounts of sodium, which can definitely cause problems in some plants. There's a website somewhere that lists the metal (including sodium) content of these products.

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