Few Pines

Brian Van Fleet

Pretty Fly for a Bonsai Guy
Reaction score
B’ham, AL
Here are a few other photos from the other day...

The Kyokko Yatsabusa is developing some nice bark, but it's hard to see in this photo. I'm playing around with video of the trees now, and the bark shows off much better in the videos. You can see them here: http://www.nebaribonsai.com/Nebari_Bonsai_112109/Video.html So far it's pretty rough, but it seems to be the next logical media in a 3-D art form.

The Japanese Red Pine has a great trunk, and I have a vision for the styling, but I really had to take it back to a skeleton last winter to start. It responded pretty well, but I will probably need to graft back into the primary branch. I'd say it's 3 years away from "mostly styled".

Finally, the JBP in the photo is the one I've been chronicling the training of during the last few years. It's strange to see it in this stage, where the lower, weaker branches are nearly covered with new growth and the upper branches are just popping out. Once it evens out, I'll be updating the document showing it's training.



  • 0810 Kyokko Yatsabusa.jpg
    0810 Kyokko Yatsabusa.jpg
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  • 0810 Red Pine.jpg
    0810 Red Pine.jpg
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  • JBP 0810.jpg
    JBP 0810.jpg
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Nice Pines Brian! I hope to get a JRP in Sept.
Very nice pines! But I think my favorite was the first tree shown in the fourth video at the link you posted.
Are you able to get needle lenght reduction with red pine?

I haven't deliberately tried to reduce needle length yet, since I'm still working to establish the main branches, but the needles seem to be a little smaller each year. They're about 2" now, and were about 3.5" when I got the tree in '08. I love JRP in general, but they're not nearly as easy to style as JBP, due to very brittle branches and their tendency to throw off whorls of candles at the end of long internodes.
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