Frustrating day


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Louisville, KY
Well went out today all set to buy a couple books on the basics for bonsai. Hit every major book store new and used in the Louisville Metro Area.

I found one book that was worth buying and there isnt much in the way of basics in it.

Bonsai Survival Manual by Colin Lewis

So far it is a very informative book of species of trees than make good bonsai. VERY basic info on wiring and pruning.

Looks like I am gonna have to Amazon some books. Only thing that bothers me about that is I really like to thumb through books to see if it comes close to what I need.

All the other books I saw were only like 15 to 20 pages. and alot of them where these weird little box sets with a pot some seeds and a little pair of scissors. Didnt figure there would be any thing worth wild in those things.

But all the stores told me they could order me some books.
The Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Bonsai by Ken Norman.
I feel this is one of the better books for a noobie.
The Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Bonsai by Ken Norman.
I feel this is one of the better books for a noobie.

I have not seen this book so I cannot rule it out, but if you only had one book you could choose perhaps the best one to work from is one of the oldest. The Art of Miniature Plants, Trees and Landscapes by Yuji Yoshimura and Giovana M. Halford. It's still being reprinted and somewhat updated. This book is now fifty years old.
Bill, I think the following books will be of great use and help. They are all well written and very descriptive in styles and techniques.

The Bonsai Handbook by David Prescott 160pgs.
The Art of Bonsai Design by Peter Adams 175 pgs. (One of my bonsai bible books)
John Nakas 1 and 2
Bonsai The art of living sculpture by Jack Douthitt 144pgs ( Good inspirational book lots of images)
Basic Bonsai Design by David De Groot 102pgs ( a very small unassuming book loaded with basic design instruction and technique) This book I believe is available through ABS
I have not seen this book so I cannot rule it out, but if you only had one book you could choose perhaps the best one to work from is one of the oldest. The Art of Miniature Plants, Trees and Landscapes by Yuji Yoshimura and Giovana M. Halford. It's still being reprinted and somewhat updated. This book is now fifty years old.

Ha! This is a good book but if you have the first printing from 1953 or whenever like I do be prepared for a few laughs. There is a section on reusing copper wire and it shows a person kneeling down at an anvil with a hammer pounding the copper wire strait. It also mentions pulling the wire strait. The section on manure for bonsai gets me laughing every time.

Besides a few places that seem very outdated I agree with Vance, it really is a thorough book. ONe of the only books I have that covers the outdated and rarely seen octopus style of bonsai.
I Have this book also, and its actually confusing when you start reading other books or looking online. In fact I just got done rereading it the other day. I want to get the John Naka books. Also I heard there is a "masters series, books of pines" Is it good? Also if you good only get one bonsai magazine which one should it be. andrew
thanks Tom,

You know whats the actual frustrating part. The big book stores here in Dayton will have one to three books on Bonsai. However they all have two full shelves of Pot books. For something that is illegal to grow and have its unreal how many books are produced on growing it. They dont have bonsai magazines at these places yet have High Times. andy
thanks Tom,

You know whats the actual frustrating part. The big book stores here in Dayton will have one to three books on Bonsai. However they all have two full shelves of Pot books. For something that is illegal to grow and have its unreal how many books are produced on growing it. They dont have bonsai magazines at these places yet have High Times. andy

That's because the business of marijuana is much larger than the business of bonsai. Or so I hear.
I found the same thing at Borders here in w'chester NY. They have 20 books on growing pot and 1 book on bonsai and 1 of those kit thingys.
The Art of Miniature Plants, Trees and Landscapes by Yuji Yoshimura and Giovana M. Halford

Is that the Greenish colored book? I have an original signed copy and one of the newer white cover ones by that author. I think its signed by one of the photographers though...Id have to look again.
Can you say Cannibus Formal upright. Graydon you are right, I have heard that it is the largest $$ cash crop in the country. Now that would be an expensive bonsai.
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