Going to freeze tonight - how worried about weird weather?!

Half the trees in the landscape are pushing leaves ... supposed to be 29 F Tuesday am and 26 F Wednesday. I predict lots of freeze damage in the landscape and about 75 potted trees spending 2 days in my garage next week.
Half the trees in the landscape are pushing leaves ... supposed to be 29 F Tuesday am and 26 F Wednesday. I predict lots of freeze damage in the landscape and about 75 potted trees spending 2 days in my garage next week.
Yikes! That's just a few trees to move.
as of this afternoon, we have had about 10 to 12 inches of ''Lake Effect'' snow.

"Lake Effect" keeps my home cooler in the summer, slightly warmer and definitely more snow in winter. It is fun, and folks just 5 miles west of me have rather different weather sometimes.

I did the dance yesterday and decided- I have too many trees! But, the 30 seconds it takes to move them in is no comaprison to the 1-8 years I've spent caring for them. Worth it! I resigned to have fun with it because as many have said, it's all part of it.
Even with the days in the 50s a couple of weeks ago, I have not put anything out.

I knew we could still get a storm in March and April.

All my trees are still in the cold frame or garage. Some in the garage are leafing out.

If it were me I would move them. It's a pain but better safe than sorry.
yeah my tree's are been in my living room for 4 days now! I have grow light over them and worried about them , 25 degree's each night till Friday then they go back out! This is murder
Yesterday morning, gentle breeze wafted in overnight -


Back shelf missing three of the Bald Cypress frozen in 3 inches of water -


Some of the Bald Cypress, moved to the front garden last week when it was in the 60's F still frozen but now under several inches of snow too :p


Just can't click like on that @GrimLore 14 degrees and frozen pond this morning. Snow came yesterday but sticking around.
Snow came yesterday but sticking around.

Same here, and it is snowing again here, frigid cold, and the "gentle breeze" gusts to 25MPH :oops: I think when they used the term "Spring ahead" they went past Summer and Fall :p

22 here this morning--21 mph wind (17 wind chill) today. Daytime temperature is supposed to make it all the way to 32 by 5 pm, when it will tank into the low 20s again. Japanese, trident and amur maples have been leafing since late Feb. Couldn't keep my big bald cypress from pushing buds either. All are in the basement for the foreseeable future (probably back out Saturday, back in Sunday and back out next Monday hopefully for a while.)
It was finally warm enough today to put my maples back out onto my enclosed, unheated porch (make-shift greenhouse). I'll monitor the temps, but very likely I'll need to bring them all back into the basement tonight. Likely going to be a daily shuffle for the next few days, since they're starting to leaf out. They had all been in my basement for the past few days, but I was growing increasingly uncomfortable with them having zero light at this stage. I also have a boxwood that's very much starting to grow whether I want it to or not. Definitely not comfortable leaving that one exposed to freezing temps.

This is really the only time of year that causes me stress in regards to the trees. Have to pay constant attention to the physical environment to make sure they get what they need, and the earlier we start getting spring temps, the more often I have to do the dance.
22 here this morning--21 mph wind (17 wind chill) today. Daytime temperature is supposed to make it all the way to 32 by 5 pm, when it will tank into the low 20s again. Japanese, trident and amur maples have been leafing since late Feb. Couldn't keep my big bald cypress from pushing buds either. All are in the basement for the foreseeable future (probably back out Saturday, back in Sunday and back out next Monday hopefully for a while.)

Damn, hope the best for you, sounds like "hell" for that area indeed.

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