Good Japanese Maple bonsai book?

Bonsai Nut

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Charlotte area, North Carolina
I know there are a few great Japanese Maple books out there, but are there any decent Japanese Maple Bonsai books? Does anyone own the new one by Peter Adams and do you like it?
I have the new Peter Adams book, and it is pretty good. It has quite a bit of information on different ways to develop stock, and about 20 progressions of different trees. Note that the book is as much about tridents as Acer palmatum. Overall, I think it is worthwhile.
I have "Bonsai with Japanese Maples". I think the book is good. It really depends on your current skill level. If your wanting the basic/beginner info. on Japanese and trident maples then it's good. But if your wanting to take your tree to the next level of development, then I don't think you'll find it in here. This comes with experience and talking to the experts one-on-one. I am not expert but beyond the beginner phase.
Sorry BNut. I didn't look at the date of your post, Jan 2007. You probably already have the book and developed your own opinion. Sorry.
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