Help! My Chinese Elm seems to have a disease and I don’t know how to treat it...


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United Kingdom
I’ve purchased this Chinese Elm about a week ago, and I noticed some of the leaves had some black spots on it. I thought, okay, I need to cut them right away and I need to get a fungicide, but it took me a week to even try to find the best fungicide for my bonsai. I have found that emulsifying, and diluting neem oil, and using it each week helps, there are specific steps to make that formula and I’ve bought silica to emulsify the neem oil, and I will dilute it a lot. But I want to know what the problem is with my bonsai, I’ve cut too many leaves away from it and it makes me sad to see it like this... I noticed mould on the soil as well, which I think It’s from overwatering it, so I stopped giving it water too frequently too. Please help me, I’m so clueless about what’s going on with my bonsai...I have attached a picture of my bonsai, a picture from the soil in which the roots are visible, and a picture of the affected leaves, as well as ones that I have cut just today.


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I Use this for most fungicide/insecticide as a preventative widely available in the UK. I think it is just suffering from being inside. Chinese elms can stay outside all year, wait till the frost has passed and put in the shade and slowly move to full sun bit by bit over the course of a week or two. The soil also looks poor for bonsai we use a free draining soil.
It is possible to keep Chinese elm inside but only with special conditions. In most homes they just slowly get weaker and eventually die. Outside in fresh air, sunshine and wind it will grow much better. Sunshine is a natural antidote to most fungi and many diseases so most bonsai do far better outside.
Over watering can be an issue, especially with poor soil and the soil in this does not look like the best for small pots so you will need to be very careful with watering.

Hope you can keep this one going but if not, try again with the new info you have gained this time.
I Use this for most fungicide/insecticide as a preventative widely available in the UK. I think it is just suffering from being inside. Chinese elms can stay outside all year, wait till the frost has passed and put in the shade and slowly move to full sun bit by bit over the course of a week or two. The soil also looks poor for bonsai we use a free draining soil.
Thank you so much for your help!
It is possible to keep Chinese elm inside but only with special conditions. In most homes they just slowly get weaker and eventually die. Outside in fresh air, sunshine and wind it will grow much better. Sunshine is a natural antidote to most fungi and many diseases so most bonsai do far better outside.
Over watering can be an issue, especially with poor soil and the soil in this does not look like the best for small pots so you will need to be very careful with watering.

Hope you can keep this one going but if not, try again with the new info you have gained this time.
Thank you so much for your help!
Could be overwatering the new leaf growth and keeping inside causing the issues. Elms need air circulation, especially on new growth. Try watering just the soil if you must keep it inside.
Yes, lack of sunlight is the problem that can be solved. Your next bonsai should be a fig for a houseplant. For houseplants, stay away from any bonsai that are hardy in your area which belong outside in winter. Tropicals do well indoors in winter, outdoors in summer.
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