How do you sift?


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Alberta, Canada
The 'do you sift' thread and the cement mixer idea has me thinking and exploring a better way for sifting. In the past I'd wash out the fines with a normal kitchen mesh strainer (low volume), been using a store bought cheap chinese sifter and it is worthless, dusty forearm workout.

Lets hear and/or see your sifter set ups.
I use
& just have my 5yr old & 9yr old go to town. They love it & think it's the best thing ever for some reason lol..
Looks what I keep replacing, the screen keeps pulling out from the edge it pressed into.
No pix but 2 x 4" H frames with an extra cross piece, with the differrent screens nailed on. They are 2 people screens, because we generally make about 100 gallons at a time.
I am in the middle of building sifting boxes right now. I've completed one of the three. Their inner dimensions are 18 x 14 inches. The boxes interlock as they stack and there are handles on the sides. I'm using a medium grade of cedar board.
The 'do you sift' thread and the cement mixer idea has me thinking and exploring a better way for sifting.

@armetisius has a slightly modified(inexpensive) working solution for a cement mixer. Pretty certain now tagged he will offer his experience ;)

@armetisius has a slightly modified(inexpensive) working solution for a cement mixer. Pretty certain now tagged he will offer his experience ;) Grimmy

Smallest cement mixer; screen over mouth of mixer tub; large pipe clamps in series to hold it on.
Set tub level; engage mixer; whips a bag of dry material in about 5 minutes. Keep dropping it one
tooth until it is inverted. Exchange screens; reloading previously screened material; let it take the
next level out & so on til you are through.I can sift and mix one of the large garden bowl planters
heaping full in about a half hour to 45 minutes. Raining right now but I'll send you guys some pics
in the next couple of days.
Thanks for pointing this out @GrimLore didn't realize I hadn't shared this before.
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