In-Arch grafting JBP


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Santa Clarita, California
Hi all,
I have an old JBP that had no lower branching that I experimented on with an in-arch graft. It was done in February and has taken well. It was swelling at the graft site (around the wire) so I removed all the binding materials. How long should I wait to cut the grafted branch free from the donor branch? I have not done this type of graft before and never had grafted a pine.
Wait at least a year, and then, if it appears the graft has taken, do it in stages. I'll cut about 50% into the doner branch, then remove another 25% 3 months later, then the rest 3 months after that. There's no rush, so take your time.
Thanks Dave,
I am in no rush. I had just noticed the swelling and cutting in of the wire so I loosened it and it got me wondering about the time frame. I will wait till spring or later. When you say cut 25%-50% do you mean cut into the donor branch 1/4 of the way and then wait and cut 1/2 the way through?
When you say cut 25%-50% do you mean cut into the donor branch 1/4 of the way and then wait and cut 1/2 the way through?
Tona're basically removing 25-50% of the diameter of the donor branch at a given spot, which reduces the support the graft receives from there. I've used a grafting knife to whittle away at the donor, into the water wood. More recently, I've used my knob cutters to take small, measured bites into the branch.
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