Japanese Larch insectiside


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I bought this Larch about a week ago and I would like to give it a preventive spray of insecticide soup. I was told I could make my own with dish soap, but didn't get the specifics. so my question is, exactly what kind of soap. I have "Ultra Palmolive, fresh green apple", phosphate free. Exactly how much soap per quart or gallon. Are we talking just a drop or two. I was told this would work on Spider Mites. I had a Shimpy w/ mites, and that's when I was told I could make my own soap, but bought some instead because I didn't want to take any chances. The stuff goes quick if I spray all trees every 10 days, so I looking for something more economical. OK I'm rambling.
I bought this Larch about a week ago and I would like to give it a preventive spray of insecticide soup. I was told I could make my own with dish soap, but didn't get the specifics. so my question is, exactly what kind of soap. I have "Ultra Palmolive, fresh green apple", phosphate free. Exactly how much soap per quart or gallon. Are we talking just a drop or two. I was told this would work on Spider Mites. I had a Shimpy w/ mites, and that's when I was told I could make my own soap, but bought some instead because I didn't want to take any chances. The stuff goes quick if I spray all trees every 10 days, so I looking for something more economical. OK I'm rambling.

A picture is worth a thousand words :D
insecticide recipe

Thanks for the tip Irene, but I'm only asking for a precise recipe for a homemade insecticide soap. I know I was rambling-on in my previous post, but I said this was a "preventive measure". I've aslo heard of making a nasty spicey concoction w/ garlic & really hot peppers, like a tea you spray on vegetable plants. Could this work for bonsai? Thanks folks.
Look in your box stores for "neem oil", dilute it to specs in a spray bottle and add about two to three drops of soap per quart of spray. That should do it. Make sure to spray the undersides of the tree too!

Regards, Al

The stuff goes quick if I spray all trees every 10 days, so I looking for something more economical.
A piece of advice, never make bonsai about economics. If you do you will be dissapointed very quickly. There is nothing about bonsai that is inexpensive. Sure there are some things that can be done to save money, but when it comes to the health of a tree, why try and scrimp there. Would you seek help in curing cancer from some dirty guy in an alley if you could save 5.00 bucks?
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I know I was rambling-on in my previous post, but I said this was a "preventive measure".
When it comes down to treatting "afflictions" you treat the afflictions. Preventative emasures are good sunlight, appropriate watering and good potting medium. A good fertilizer program from March to November will ensure a good healthy bonsia. A healthy tree is a happy tree.

Wrt what Al said, if you are looking at economics, you are in the wrong hobby!!
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